FSD Licensing
DFS Code Compliance
Open 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
The Details of Apply for a License to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder
What you need for Apply for a License to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder
You need a license to sell black or smokeless powder in Massachusetts. You also need
a permit from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Fees for Apply for a License to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder
Name | Fee | Unit |
New license to sell black or smokeless powder | $100 | each |
Renew a license to sell black or smokeless powder | $50 | each |
How to apply Apply for a License to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder
Submit completed application, fee, and required attachments to:
DFS Licensing
Department of Fire Services
P.O. Box 1025
Stow, MA 01775
Next steps for Apply for a License to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder
Apply for a license to sell black or smokeless powder
Complete applications include:
- A notarized statement on company letterhead indicating that these explosive materials shall be stored according to the requirements of the fire code (527 CMR 1.00)
- A legible copy of your current driver's license
- If you sell black powder include a legible copy of your ATF permit
- Completed and notarized CORI request form
This application must be filled out by the principle or owner of the company and signed by the head of the fire department in the community where the black or smokeless powder will be sold.
Open PDF file, 960.19 KB, FP-081 Application to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder (English, PDF 960.19 KB)Renew a license to sell black or smokeless powder
90 days before your license expires, DFS will email you (if we have a valid email on file) or mail you a renewal application.
Return the completed application and fee at least 30 days before your license expires.
Contact for Apply for a License to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder
Fire Safety Division Licensing (Fire suppression, commercial hood cleaning, cannon/mortar, fireworks, special effects, blasting, blasting R&D) Call FSD Licensing, Fire Safety Division Licensing (Fire suppression, commercial hood cleaning, cannon/mortar, fireworks, special effects, blasting, blasting R&D) at (978) 567-3700Boiler and Pressure Vessel Program Licensing Call FSD Licensing, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Program Licensing at (978) 567-3783Online
Fire Safety Division Licensing Email FSD Licensing at DFS.FSDLicensing@mass.govAddress
DFS Code Compliance Desk Call DFS Code Compliance, DFS Code Compliance Desk at (978) 567-3375Open 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.