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- This page, Apply for IRAP funding, is offered by
- Rail and Transit Division
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Apply for IRAP funding
MassDOT manages IRAP on cyclical basis and typically solicits new candidate projects in the spring of each year.
Applications are being accepted from April 24th to May 23rd, 2024, at 5 p.m.
Industrial Rail Access Program
James Eng, Deputy Rail Administrator
Email Industrial Rail Access Program at James.Eng@dot.state.ma.us
Carlos A. Velasquez, Assistant Project Manager
Email Industrial Rail Access Program at carlos.a.velasquez@dot.state.ma.us
The Details of Apply for IRAP funding
What you need for Apply for IRAP funding
Please submit the application listed below.
Eligible applicants include freight railroad operators, industry partners/rail shippers, municipalities, and economic development corporations.
How to apply Apply for IRAP funding
Please fill out the application and submit it via email to:
Downloads for Apply for IRAP funding
Open PDF file, 709.41 KB,
Industrial Rail Access Program (IRAP) FY2025 Application Instructions
(English, PDF 709.41 KB)
Open PDF file, 504.26 KB,
Industrial Rail Access Program (IRAP) FY2025 Application Forms
(English, PDF 504.26 KB)
Contact for Apply for IRAP funding
James Eng, Deputy Rail Administrator
Email Industrial Rail Access Program at James.Eng@dot.state.ma.us
Carlos A. Velasquez, Assistant Project Manager
Email Industrial Rail Access Program at carlos.a.velasquez@dot.state.ma.us