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- This page, Apply for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Apply for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Keri Cornman
Rebecca Davidson
The Details of Apply for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
What you need for Apply for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funds projects that aim to enhance the production and competitiveness of Specialty Crop industries in Massachusetts.
What is a Specialty Crop?
Find out what qualifies as a Specialty Crop. A full definition and list of Specialty Crops can be found on the USDA – Specialty Crop Website, www.ams.usda.gov/scbgp
Who May Apply?
- Socially disadvantaged and beginning farmers
- Eligible non-profit organizations
- Local government entities
- For-profit organizations
- Industry trade associations
- Producer groups
- Commodity commissions
Request for Response (RFR)
See “downloads” below to download the Request for Response (RFR). This document outlines and explains all details, requirements, and instructions for the SCBGP.
Application Form C
See “downloads” below to download Application Form C. This document is the template you will use to create and submit your application. All applicants must complete and submit the required application Form C.
How to apply Apply for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Download the RFR and Application (Form C) listed below, and follow the outlined template to create an application and follow necessary required criteria. Detailed instructions for application requirements can be found on the RFR.
Applicants must submit proposals via EMAIL to Keri.Cornman@mass.gov by the deadline within the RFR.
Applications that are sent by fax will NOT be accepted.
If you do not receive an email confirmation of receipt from MDAR, do not assume the application was received. Please reach out to Keri Cornman (info below) if you do not receive a confirmation of receipt email for your application submission. MDAR will not accept any late submissions, and will not consider late applications due to technical difficulties, so please be mindful of your submission timeliness.
Download the RFR and Application (Form C) listed below, and follow the outlined template to create an application and follow necessary required criteria. Detailed instructions for application requirements can be found on the RFR.
All materials must be sent to the attention of by the deadline included within the RFR, *no late postmarks will be accepted.
Keri Cornman, Grants Manager
MA Department of Agricultural Resources
251 Causeway St., Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114
More info for Apply for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
The SCBGP FY25 RFR and other supporting documentation and information is posted openly on COMMBUYS under Bid # BD-25-1002-1003-001-111957.
Two informational webinars will be provided, where questions may be asked will be held for interested applicants on the dates listed below. Please follow the registration link(s) below to access one or more of the webinars.
- Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 2:00pm. Register for this webinar date here.
- Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 10:00am. Register for this webinar date here.
Examples of Eligible Projects:
- Increasing child and adult nutrition knowledge and consumption of specialty crops;
- Improving efficiency and reducing costs of distribution systems;
- Assisting all entities in the specialty crop distribution process in implementing practices and standards that improve food safety which may include but are not limited to the “Commonwealth Quality Program”, “Good Agricultural Practices”, “Good Handling Practices”, “Good Manufacturing Practices”, and in cost-share arrangements for funding audits of such systems for small farmers, packers and processors;
- Investing in specialty crop research, including research to focus on conservation and environmental outcomes;
- Developing new and improved seed varieties and specialty crops;
- Pest and disease control;
- Development of organic and sustainable production practices
Examples of Ineligible Projects:
- A proposal for funds to purchase starter plants or equipment used to plant, cultivate, and grow a specialty crop for the purpose of making a profit, or to expand production of a single business;
- A proposal for funds from a specialty crop organization to promote their members’ businesses;
- A proposal for capital expenditures for general purpose equipment, buildings, and land;
- A proposal that seeks to support a non-specialty crop project.
To the extent applicable at the time a project is commenced under the terms of any contract, projects must be conducted in accordance applicable federal, state, and local public health orders, regulations, ordinances, or other guidance issued related to COVID-19.
Environmental Justice
Projects that are located within a mapped EJ Population with demonstrated positive impacts to that community and demonstrated support from the community will receive additional points.
To determine whether your proposed project will impact an EJ Population, visit the Environmental Justice MapViewer. If you have any questions about Environmental Justice, please contact Rebecca.Davidson@Mass.gov, or visit MDAR's Environmental Justice Program page.