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- This page, Authorize a Third-Party Administrator, is offered by
- Department of Unemployment Assistance
Authorize a Third-Party Administrator
Department of Unemployment Assistance
The Details of Authorize a Third-Party Administrator
What you need for Authorize a Third-Party Administrator
Registering New Employer Accounts as a TPA
If a TPA is listed as representing an employer on UI Online, that relationship will automatically be migrated and reflected in the new Unemployment Services for Employers system. Once a TPA creates a new login in Unemployment Services for Employers, the TPA will have access to view and manage their client(s) online account, register new employers, and select the roles they are authorized to perform. The employer will be contacted to confirm TPA access requests. Please refer to the steps below to register a new account as a TPA on behalf of an employer, or watch here.
How to register Authorize a Third-Party Administrator
- Once logged into Unemployment Services for Employers, select the Third-Party Administrator account on the Select a Customer window. Note: If a TPA is registering an employer, they must log into their Unemployment Services for Employers account before registering the employer.
- On the Third-party services menu, select Register a Client as an Employer.
- Review the information to complete the registration and select Next.
- Complete the new employer registration request. Note: In the Registration Contact Information step, the TPA must enter the contact information for the employer. The TPA should not enter their own contact information in this step.
- In the Certify and Submit step, select the check box to certify all entered information is correct.
- Click Submit to complete the registration.
The TPA will gain access to the employer as soon as the registration is complete. No additional approval is required from the employer. Some registrations may require additional review from DUA staff. If an additional review is required, the TPA will not gain access until the review is complete.
More info for Authorize a Third-Party Administrator
Additional Options for Gaining Access to Employer Accounts
TPAs can upload a Power of Attorney form on Unemployment Services for Employers for DUA to review. Once the Power of Attorney is approved, the TPA will have access to the employer’s account for the roles specified in the form.
TPAs can also request access to an employer. When the request is submitted, the employer will receive a notification in their Action Center indicating a TPA has requested access to their account. The employer must approve or deny the request.
Finally, TPAs may also gain access to their client(s) accounts using the process that previously existed in UI-Online, where the employer registers and designates the TPA and selects the appropriate roles it wishes the TPA to perform.
Add Third Party Administrator Access as an Employer
Employers can add and change TPA access on Unemployment Services for Employers. When TPA access is added, the employer can specify the roles the TPA is authorized to perform. Please refer to the steps below to add access for a new TPA as an employer. For more information on this process, click here.
- Once logged into Unemployment Services for Employers, click Additional Services, then click Manage Third-Party Administrator Access.
- To remove access for an existing TPA:
- Select the TPA that should no longer have access, click Remove, then click Next.
- Click Submit to remove the TPA’s access.
- To add access to a new TPA:
- Click Add Third-Party Administrator, and then Next.
- In the Agent ID field, enter the TPA’s ID, and then click the Next button.
- Select the check box that corresponds to the accounts and roles the TPA should have access to as pictured below.
- Click Next.
- Click Submit to grant access to the TPA.
- To remove access for an existing TPA:
Once the TPA access is granted by the employer, all logins associated with the TPA account will be able to select that they want to work with the employer that just granted them access.
Request Employer Access as a TPA
TPAs can request access to an employer’s account that must be approved or denied by the employer. Please refer to the steps below to request access to an employer as a TPA. For more information on this process, click here.
- Once logged into Unemployment Services for Employers, select the Third-Party Administrator account on the Select a Customer window.
- On the Third-party services menu, select View More Actions.
- On the Employer access panel, click the Request Access to an Employer Account.
- Click Next.
- In the Employer Account Number (EAN) field, enter the EAN for the TPA’s client.
- Select the check box that corresponds to the account(s) the TPA should have access to.
- If the TPA should have access to perform benefit charge protests or wage and separation mailing, click Yes, and then select the check box for the roles the TPA should have access to.
- Click Next.
- Click Submit.
Upon submission, the employer(s) will receive a notification in their Action Center indicating a TPA requested access. The employer must approve or deny the request. If approved, the TPA will be able to access the employer’s account.
For information on how to approve a TPA’s access request, click here.