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- This page, Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates), is offered by
- Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates)
Registry of Motor Vehicles
The Details of Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates)
What you need for Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates)
You will need to provide your:
- Vehicle registration (license plate) number
- Email address
and 1 of the following:
- Driver's license/permit/ID number
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- FID number (If car/truck is registered to a company/corporation)
Once the cancellation is complete, you can download a Registration Cancellation Receipt.
Fees for Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates)
There is no fee to cancel your registration. However, if your registration has been revoked due to an insurance obligation, a reinstatement fee will be added to the account and will need to be paid before registering the vehicle in Massachusetts with a new plate number.
Please note that a revoked registration is still subject to excise unless the registration is cancelled.
How to cancel Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates)
You may cancel your registration online unless there are 2 vehicle owners. The easiest and quickest way to cancel your vehicle registration is to do so online.
You will need to provide your:
- Vehicle registration (license plate) number
- Email address
and 1 of the following:
- Driver's license/permit/ID number
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- FID number (If car/truck is registered to a company/corporation)
Once the cancellation is complete, you can download a Registration Cancellation Receipt.
If there are 2 owners, the Affidavit for Cancellation of Registration (available in the Download section below) must be completed and signed by both owners.
Mail your completed affidavit to the address listed on the form.
More info for Cancel your vehicle registration (license plates)
Please keep the Registration Cancellation Receipt for your records and provide a photocopy to your insurance company.
Once you cancel your registration, your car/truck cannot be driven on any public way in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. When your registration is canceled, the RMV will provide you with a registration cancellation receipt.
Once your registration is canceled, you must recycle or destroy your license plates. Plates can be cut in half and discarded; or you can recycle destroyed plates if your town accepts them at the local recycle center.
Please note that a revoked registration is still subject to excise unless the registration is cancelled.
Excise tax abatements
You may be eligible for an abatement of your local motor vehicle excise if you canceled your registration because you either:
- Moved out of Massachusetts
- Reported the vehicle stolen
- No longer own the vehicle
You are not entitled to an abatement by just cancelling your registration.
For your local assessors’ office to process your abatement application, you must provide documentation of these and any other actions required by state law. If have any questions, please contact your local assessor.