• This page, File a complaint with the Division of Banks, is   offered by
  • Division of Banks

File a complaint with the Division of Banks

If you have a problem with a financial product or service in Massachusetts, you may submit a complaint with the Division of Banks (DOB).

Division of Banks


Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Use this number if you are hearing impaired.

The Details   of File a complaint with the Division of Banks

What you need   for File a complaint with the Division of Banks

To start the complaint process, your signature is required. You can email, fax, or mail a copy of your complaint to the DOB.

**Consumers are strongly encouraged to email or fax complaints to ensure timely processing**

How to file   File a complaint with the Division of Banks

Email the Division of Banks Consumer Assistance Unit at


Download the consumer banking complaint form as an Adobe Acrobat PDF or as a Microsoft Word File below. Complete, print, and sign the form and mail it back to the Divison of Banks at:

One Federal Street, Suite 710, Boston, MA 02110-2012.

An assigned Consumer Specialist will notify you when your complaint investigation starts.

Download the consumer banking complaint form as an Adobe Acrobat PDF or as a Microsoft Word File below. Complete, print, and sign the form and fax it back to the DOB.  

An assigned Consumer Specialist will notify you when your complaint investigation starts.

Fax: (617) 368-2700

More info   for File a complaint with the Division of Banks

When filing a complaint, please keep in mind the DOB cannot do the following:

  • Act as a court of law or as a lawyer on your behalf.
  • Provide you legal advice.
  • Become involved in complaints where you are represented by an attorney, are in litigation, or have been litigated.
  • Become involved in disputes between business entities and financial institutions.
  • Act as a housing counselor or negotiate contractual terms between borrowers and lenders. If you wish to consult a housing councilor, the DOB recommends you call the HOPE hotline at (888) 995-4673.

Complaints directed to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB):

  • Credit card complaints
  • Federal student loan complaints
  • Complaints involving federal and national banks (e.g. Bank of America, Citizens Bank, TD Bank)

Complaints directed to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA):

  • Complaints involving federal credit unions

What happens after I file?

  • Once the Division has received your complaint, the subject institution will be required to provide a written response to the Division.
  • Once the subject institution has provided a response, the Division will review it and conduct an investigation to determine whether any wrongdoing has occurred.
  • Once the investigation has been concluded, you will be provided with a closing letter summarizing the Division’s findings and informing you of the resolution reached with the subject institution. Complaints are typically concluded within four weeks, but may take longer depending on the scope and nature of the investigation.

Downloads   for File a complaint with the Division of Banks

Contact   for File a complaint with the Division of Banks

Main Office
One Federal Street, Suite 710, Boston, MA 02110-2012

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Use this number if you are hearing impaired.

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