• This page, Division of Banks staff directory, is   offered by
  • Division of Banks

Division of Banks staff directory

Use the below contact information to reach the appropriate person within the Division of Banks (DOB).

Table of Contents

Commissioner's office

Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Banks


Elizabeth Hopkinson 617-956-1510

Consumer Assistance

Massachusetts Division of Banks Consumer Assistance Unit

Foreclosure Delay Request Hotline

If you have a foreclosure scheduled in the next 7 days, The DOB can help secure a delay in the foreclosure process until you reach a counselor.


Examination contacts by unit


Bank safety and soundness 617-956-1524

Michael Hensler

Credit union safety and soundness 617-367-4478

Christopher Morrison

Bank and credit union consumer protection/CRA 617-956-1546

Irene Gutierrez

Finance companies and money service businesses 617-956-1551

Liam O'Driscoll

Mortgage brokers, mortgage lenders, and MLCI 617-956-1563

Ruth Barry


Bank safety and soundness michael.hensler@mass.gov
Credit union safety and soundness christopher.morrison@mass.gov
Bank and credit union consumer protection/CRA irene.gutierrez@mass.gov
Finance companies and money service businesses liam.odriscoll@mass.gov
Mortgage brokers, mortgage lenders, and MLCI ruth.barry@mass.gov


Fintech and Innovation


Holly Chase 617-367-4409

Foreclosure Database filings

Legal unit

Contact the legal unit for questions about bank and credit union branch applications, bank and credit union insurance sales, corporate transactions, letters of legal existence, opinions and decisions, parity applications, and wholly-owned subsidiaries.


Maureen Cunningham 617-956-1500

Licensing and registrations

Licensing contacts by unit


Foreign Transmittal (FT) Agents/Branches 617-956-1565

Marisol Monzon

Foreign Transmittal (FT) Agent/Branch Invoices 617-956-1554

Pamela Kaufman

Finance Companies and Money Service Businesses 617-956-1562

Wesley Ho

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Registrations 617-956-1562

Wesley Ho

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Invoices 617-956-1565

Marisol Monzon

Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs) 617-956-1553

Harry Burgess

Mortgage Brokers/Lenders 617-956-1561

Corey Burrows

Mortgage Broker/Lender Branches 617-956-1648

Andrew Papalegis


Foreign Transmittal (FT) Agents/Branches marisol.monzon@mass.gov
Foreign Transmittal (FT) Agent/Branch Invoices pamela.kaufman@mass.gov
Finance Companies and Money Service Businesses wesley.ho@mass.gov
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Registrations wesley.ho@mass.gov
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Invoices marisol.monzon@mass.gov
Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs) harry.burgess@mass.gov
Mortgage Brokers/Lenders corey.burrows@mass.gov
Mortgage Broker/Lender Branches andrew.papalegis@mass.gov

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