Registry of Motor Vehicles
The Details of Report a motor vehicle crash
What you need for Report a motor vehicle crash
M.G.L. Chapter 90, Section 26 requires a person who was operating a motor vehicle involved to complete the Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report form in a crash in which:
- any person was killed
- any person was injured
- there was damage in excess of $1,000 to any one vehicle or other property
Report with the Registrar within 5 days after such crash (unless the person is physically incapable of doing so due to incapacity). The person completing the report must also send a copy of the report to the police department having jurisdiction on the way where the crash occurred. If the operator is incapacitated but is not the vehicle's owner, the owner is required to file the crash report within the 5 days based on his/her knowledge and information obtained about the crash. The Registrar may require the owner or operator to supplement the report and he/she can revoke or suspend the license of any person violating any provision of this legal requirement. A police department is required to accept a report filed by an owner or operator whose vehicle has been damaged in a crash in which another person unlawfully left the scene even if damage to the vehicle does not exceed $1,000.
Fees for Report a motor vehicle crash
There is no fee to submit this form.
How to report Report a motor vehicle crash
You should mail your completed crash report form to 3 places:
- Mail or deliver one copy to the local police department or state police in the city or town where the crash occurred.
- Mail one copy to your Insurance Company.
- Mail one copy to the RMV at the following address:
Crash Records
Registry of Motor Vehicles
P.O. Box 55889
Boston, MA 02205-5889