Request a caregiver disqualification from jury duty

If you're the sole caregiver for a person with a medical disability in your household, you can request to be disqualified from jury duty.

Office of Jury Commissioner

The Details   of Request a caregiver disqualification from jury duty

What you need   for Request a caregiver disqualification from jury duty

You may be disqualified from jury duty if you're the sole caregiver for a person with a medical disability in your household. To be disqualified from jury duty as a sole caregiver, you must:

  • Be solely responsible for the daily care of a person with a permanent disability living in the same household (this doesn't include children or others who aren't permanently disabled)
  • Not be regularly employed outside of your home
  • Not be employed as a professional caregiver or home health aide

To request a sole caregiver disqualification, you or the registered physician or Christian Science Practitioner for the person with a medical disability will need to submit a letter. The doctor's letter should include:

  • The practitioner’s letterhead
  • Your name and the Badge Number on your summons
  • The name, address, and age of the person with the medical disability 
  • A description of the daily care you provide
  • The practitioner's opinion that if you served jury duty, it would cause a substantial health risk to the person with the medical disability 
  • A confirmation that you don't work outside of your home

Once you have your doctor's letter, you can submit it in 1 of 2 ways.

How to submit   Request a caregiver disqualification from jury duty

Mail your letter to:

Office of Jury Commissioner
560 Harrison Ave., Suite 600
Boston, MA 02118

Fax your letter to (617) 422-5869.

Contact   for Request a caregiver disqualification from jury duty

Street Address
560 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 02118
Mailing Address
560 Harrison Ave., Suite 600, Boston, MA 02118
(617) 422-5869

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