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- This page, Request a medical disqualification from jury duty, is offered by
- Office of Jury Commissioner
- Massachusetts Court System
Request a medical disqualification from jury duty
Office of Jury Commissioner
Monday-Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm
The Details of Request a medical disqualification from jury duty
What you need for Request a medical disqualification from jury duty
You may be disqualified from jury duty if you have a mental or physical disability that keeps you from serving. You'll need to get a note from a registered physician or Christian Science Practitioner stating the doctor's opinion that you can't serve. The letter should include:
- The practitioner’s letterhead, name, address, and title or degree
- An explanation of the nature of your condition
- The practitioner’s opinion that the condition prevents you from serving jury duty
- The practitioner’s signature
- The Badge Number on your summons
If you have a permanent medical disability, your letter should also state that your condition is permanent, and that you'll never be able to serve jury duty.
Your practitioner should review the information for medical disqualification before deciding whether you're capable of performing jury service.
Once you have your letter, you can submit it in 1 of 2 ways.
How to submit Request a medical disqualification from jury duty
Mail your letter to:
Office of Jury Commissioner
560 Harrison Ave., Suite 600
Boston, MA 02118
Fax your letter to (617) 422-5869.
Contact for Request a medical disqualification from jury duty
Monday-Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm