Respond to a criminal citation

To respond to a criminal citation, follow the instructions below.
Your response to a criminal citation must arrive at the court within 4 days of the date of the violation.

Merit Rating Board (MRB)

Registry of Motor Vehicles


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The Details   of Respond to a criminal citation

What you need   for Respond to a criminal citation

If the "Criminal Application" box is checked on the front of the citation:

  • You must sign and return the citation to the Clerk-Magistrate of the court named on the front of the citation within 4 days
  • You will be granted a hearing as to whether a criminal complaint should be issued against you

How to respond   Respond to a criminal citation

To respond to a criminal citation in person, follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign and date the citation where indicated.
  2. If there are other civil infractions listed on the citation, do not attempt to make any payment(s) at this time. Any civil infractions that accompany a criminal citation will be settled during the criminal proceedings and cannot be paid in advance of your court hearing.
  3. Visit the Clerk-Magistrate of the specific court written on the front of the citation by the issuing police officer.

To respond to a criminal citation by mail, follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign and date the citation where indicated.
  2. If there are other civil infractions listed on the citation, do not attempt to make any payment(s) at this time. Any civil infractions that accompany a criminal citation will be settled during the criminal proceedings and cannot be paid in advance of your court hearing.
  3. Mail to the Clerk-Magistrate of the specific court written on the front of the citation by the issuing police officer. Do not use the pre-addressed envelope provided with the citation.

More info   for Respond to a criminal citation

You cannot pay a criminal citation by mail, over the Internet, or by phone. You cannot appeal a criminal citation by checking Box 2.

Contact   for Respond to a criminal citation

Mailing address
P.O. Box 55889, Boston, MA 02205-5889
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