- This page, Submit a public records request to DUA, is offered by
- Department of Unemployment Assistance
Submit a public records request to DUA
John Cronin, DUA Records Access Officer
The Details of Submit a public records request to DUA
What you need for Submit a public records request to DUA
When you are requesting a public record, please provide the following information:
Your name
Your preferred email address
A telephone number where you can be contacted
Your address
A description of the requested records
Your preferred form of delivery and corresponding address (i.e., email, fax number, or U.S. mailing address)
Fees for Submit a public records request to DUA
Consider how you can narrow the scope of your request to expedite the production process. The first 4 hours of work performed to respond to a public records request will be performed at no cost. After that, DUA may charge up to $25 per hour. If fees are being assessed, you will be given a written, itemized, good faith estimate of any fees that may be charged.
There is no charge to transmit a copy of records that DUA keeps in electronic form and which it can transmit via email or fax. If you wish to have a paper copy, the fee is 5¢ per page for both single and double-sided black and white copies, plus the cost of postage.
How to request Submit a public records request to DUA
You are encouraged to use the Request a new record form to make a public records request of DUA. This form helps to ensure the most expeditious and accurate response to your request.
Write a letter describing the requested records. Include the information listed above.
Send your letter to:
DUA Records Access Officer
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 400,
Boston, MA 02114
Next steps for Submit a public records request to DUA
After you submit your public records request
Upon receiving a public records request, the DUA Records Access Officer (RAO) will provide a written response to your request within 10 business days.
Please note that, under 950 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 32.06(2)(e), a written request for records, regardless of the form of delivery, will be deemed received on the first business day following receipt of the request by the RAO.
More info for Submit a public records request to DUA
Public records request information
“An Act to Improve Public Records” was signed into law June 3, 2016, enhancing public access to information. That law went into effect January 1, 2017. While diligent efforts are made every day across the Executive Branch to respond to a large number of public record requests, this law provides standards that will improve our approach so as to reduce delays and costs that burden accessibility.
For additional information about making a request or filing an appeal, see Chapter 121 of the Acts of 2016.
Categories of public records
Below is a list of the principal categories of public records maintained by DUA. These records may be subject to redaction, thereby increasing the time needed to produce them, if they contain information that may not be disclosed by law, is exempt under the public records law or is subject to other legally applicable privileges.
- DUA policies and procedures, including the UI Policy and Performance Department’s interoffice memoranda and the Service Representatives Handbook
- Records of communication and coordination between DUA and federal and state agencies and municipalities
- DUA Advisory Board records, including notices, agendas, and minutes
- DUA statistics and reports
- DUA legal opinions
Please note that, under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 151A, Section 46(a), claimant-specific and employer-specific records are confidential and are not considered public records.
Any claimant or employer seeking their records must first submit a signed release authorizing DUA to provide the records:
- Release of Information to Claimant
- Release of Information to Authorized Agent
- Release of Information to Claimant's Counsel
- Release of Information to Employer's Counsel
An authorized official of an employer may also submit a request for the employer's records on the employer's letterhead. Please note that the claimant's signature must be notarized, except on the release authorizing DUA to provide records to the claimant's counsel.
Once completed, mail the signed release to the following address:
DUA Records Access Officer
100 Cambridge Street, 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02114