WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs

Use this permit if you would like to renovate an eligible abandoned cranberry bog for commercial cranberry cultivation.

MassDEP Wetlands Program

EEA ePLACE Help Desk


Open M-F 7:30 am-5:00 pm, with the exception of all Commonwealth & Federally observed holidays.

The Details   of WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs

What you need   for WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs

The purpose of this permit is to allow the Department to review proposed renovation of abandoned cranberry bogs. Since most of these abandoned cranberry bogs are considered wetland resource areas, there are certain interests that these wetland areas are presumed to protect. A pre-construction review of these proposals allows the Department to consider various mitigating measures, both required and proposed, that protect these interests. All persons who propose to renovate an eligible abandoned cranberry bog for the purpose of commercially raising cranberries must submit a WW 13 application to the MassDEP Regional Office responsible for the community in which the cranberry bog is located. 

Fees   for WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs

How to apply   WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs

File online via the EEA ePlace Portal. See details below.

Next steps   for WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs

  1. Review the Instructions

  2. Complete the Application Form

    Please fill out and save the Microsoft Word or Acrobat Adobe PDF form on your computer.

    Important Note: Even when applying online, you will still need to complete a conventional Application Form and upload it as an attachment during the online filing process. Please do not mail in these forms.

  3. Submit your Application and Fee Payment

    1. File online via the EEA ePlace Portal.
    2. You will have the option to pay online by credit card or automated clearing house (ACH) or pay by mail. If you select the pay-by-mail option, instructions on how to do so will be provided when you submit your online application.

Contact   for WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Commercial Cranberry Bogs


Open M-F 7:30 am-5:00 pm, with the exception of all Commonwealth & Federally observed holidays.

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