About the Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD)

Learn about MOD’s areas of focus and how MOD fits within government

MOD is a small state agency that promotes access, inclusion, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities in Massachusetts. We serve government agencies and the general public, which includes individuals, businesses and other groups. Our main focus is helping people understand how disability laws and regulations apply in their situation and explore their options. 

Table of Contents

Assistance for the general public

MOD answers questions about disability rights, reasonable accommodations, and issues related to equal access and opportunity. 

For vocational rehabilitation (VR) and independent living (IL) services, we refer people to the organizations that specialize in these services. Our Client Assistance Program (CAP) provides confidential and neutral support for people who have questions and concerns about their VR/IL services or their rights. 

For questions regarding accessibility in the built environment, MOD’s Architectural Access experts provide information, remote consultation, and in-person site visits for substantial cases.  

MOD promotes the sharing of information and community building within the disability world. We currently do this through email updates, our Community Access Monitor Training and events such as our annual Disability Summit. 

Partnership with local communities

MOD offers specific services and opportunities for local government and groups who serve the disability community in their city or town: 

We provide the same support to municipal and local communities as we do to the general public, in an effort to help local groups understand what obligations exist. 

Supporting the Executive Branch of state government

MOD acts as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator for the Executive Branch. This means MOD supports state government in its compliance with the ADA through training, information sharing, and individualized guidance.

MOD offers free accessibility consulting to Executive Branch agencies. Services include guidance on understanding obligations under the Enterprise Information Technology Accessibility Policy, access to a subject matter expert when planning for procurement, and small-scale AT/IT assistance to test the accessibility of electronic products.

MOD manages the application process for Reasonable Accommodations Capital Reserve Account (RACRA) funds. RACRA funds are available to help agencies provide reasonable accommodation requests to their employees when doing so would otherwise be a financial hardship. 

Identifying the best agency for your inquiry

Sometimes it can be challenging for members of the public to figure out the roles of different organizations. On the Finding Your Way Around page we provide you with some basic concepts to help you get started in navigating the federal and state organizations that serve the disability community. 

When a question falls outside of MOD's scope or which would be better addressed elsewhere, we point people to the appropriate organization. Examples include:

  • Disability benefits, and other financial assistance
  • Services provided by other organizations, such as housing searches, MassHealth, personal care programs, public transport, and services available to specific populations within the disability community
  • Enforcement of disability laws and regulations 
  • Questions not directly related to disability

Annual reports


MOD sends a quarterly email newsletter. Recent newsletters are listed here. Sign up for our email list to receive the newsletter and other MOD news.

How to contact us

If you want to reach someone at MOD, you can contact us as follows:

Online:Use our contact form, where you can request responses by phone or email
Phone:Main: (617) 727-7440
Mass relay: Dial 711 and connect via main number
Toll-Free: (800) 322-2020
When you call our main number, you can leave a message on our general inquiry line or use the directory to contact a specific individual (the directory includes people across many state agencies, not just MOD)
Fax:(617) 727-0965 
Mail:Massachusetts Office on Disability
One Ashburton Place, Room 1305
Boston, MA 02108 

Whichever method you use to contact us, we will direct your inquiry to an appropriate staff member. 

Accessibility Statement

MOD does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing accessible documents and services. To request an accessible version of any documents on our website, or if you otherwise need a reasonable modification to access MOD’s programs, services, or facilities or to file a grievance, please email MOD-RARequest@mass.gov or call (617) 727-7440.

Language Access Statement


Use the “Select Language” button at the top of any mass.gov page to translate it. Please note that this feature uses machine translation, and we cannot always guarantee an exact translation. To request formal translations of MOD web content, publications, documents, or correspondence, or to request interpretation for an MOD event, phone call, or video, please email mod-communications@mass.gov or call (617) 727-7440. You may leave a message in your primary language.


Utilice el botón "Seleccionar idioma" en la parte superior de cualquier página de mass.gov para traducirlo. Tenga en cuenta que esta función utiliza traducción automática y no siempre podemos garantizar una traducción exacta. Para solicitar traducciones formales del contenido web, publicaciones, documentos o correspondencia del MOD, o para solicitar interpretación para un evento, llamada telefónica o video del MOD, envíe un correo electrónico a mod-communications@mass.gov o llame al (617) 727-7440. Puede dejar un mensaje en su idioma principal.


Utilize o botão "Selecionar idioma" na parte superior de qualquer página do mass.gov para a traduzir. Tenha em atenção que esta funcionalidade utiliza tradução automática e nem sempre podemos garantir uma tradução exacta. Para solicitar traduções formais do conteúdo da web, publicações, documentos ou correspondência do MOD, ou para solicitar interpretação para um evento, telefonema ou vídeo do MOD, envie um e-mail para mod-communications@mass.gov ou ligue para (617) 727-7440. Pode deixar uma mensagem na sua língua principal.

Kreyòl ayisyen

Sèvi ak bouton "Chwazi Lang" ki anlè nenpòt paj mass.gov pou tradui li. Tanpri sonje ke karakteristik sa a itilize tradiksyon machin, epi nou pa ka toujou garanti yon tradiksyon egzak. Pou mande tradiksyon fòmèl nan kontni WEB MOD, piblikasyon, dokiman, oswa korespondans, oswa pou mande entèpretasyon pou yon evènman MOD, apèl telefòn, oswa videyo, tanpri imèl mod-communications@mass.gov oswa rele (617) 727-7440. Ou ka kite yon mesaj nan lang prensipal ou a.


使用任何 mass.gov 页面顶部的 "选择语言 "按钮进行翻译。请注意,该功能使用的是机器翻译,我们不能保证每次都能提供准确的翻译。如需对 MOD 网页内容、出版物、文件或信件进行正式翻译,或要求为 MOD 活动、电话或视频提供口译服务,请发送电子邮件至 mod-communications@mass.gov 或致电 (617) 727-7440。您可以用您的母语留言。

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