New Virtual Gateway Providers:
New Virtual Gateway providers going live with contracts on EIM/ESM for the first time need to submit their organization information using the online Virtual Gateway Organization Management webpage. This information must be completed and submitted online by an Authorized Representative for your organization. An Authorized Representative is an individual who has the legal authority to sign on behalf of your organization, as evidenced by your organization's charter or bylaws.
The Authorized Representative must designate an individual(s) to be their VG Access Administrator(s). He or she is responsible for approving, modifying, and/or removing user access privileges for any of the VG's business services used by your organization.
Refer to EIM/ESM Instructions for more information.
Register a New Virtual Gateway Organization
The following information is required to Register a New Virtual Gateway Organization:
- Organization Legal Name (Do Not Include Any of the following Special Characters such as ^=`{}[]|:".><,?/,(!@#$%~ & * + ( ) _ -)
- Doing Business As, as applicable
- Organization FEIN or Tax ID
- Organization Legal Address
- Virtual Gateway Application(s) that your organization will be using once registered (e.g., Enterprise Invoice Management/Enterprise Service Management (EIM/ESM))
- Names of Designated Access Administrator (AA) (Minimum 1; Maximum 5)
- Name, Email Address and Telephone Number of Authorized Representative
In addition to registering their organization with the Virtual Gateway, EIM/ESM providers must also complete the following forms:
• Organization Management Template - Form D
Existing Virtual Gateway Providers:
Add or Update an Existing Virtual Gateway Access Administrator (AA)
To add or update an Existing Virtual Gateway Access Administrator, organizations need to submit their information using the online Virtual Gateway Organization Management webpage. This information must be completed and submitted online by an Authorized Representative for your organization. An Authorized Representative is an individual who has the legal authority to sign on behalf of your organization, as evidenced by your organization's charter or bylaws.
If you need to add or remove Access Administrators (AA) for your organization, the following information is required:
- Virtual Gateway Organization ID
- Virtual Gateway Organization Legal Name (Do Not Include Any of the following Special Characters such as ^=`{}[]|:".><,?/,(!@#$%~ & * + ( ) _ -)
- FEIN or Tax ID#
Important: If an organization needs to update their legal name, change their address or merge with another organization, contact
• File Transfer Service HIPAA User Request Form
This form is to be used only by those provider organizations approved to upload HIPAA files into EIM. Please submit this User Request form after successfully passing all compliancy testing.
• Organization Management Template - Form D
Please note:
The EIM/ESM User request form and Organization Management Template should be completed by an Access Administrator and e-mailed to the e-mail address on the form as an Excel document.