Annual Compliance Reports and Other Publications

Important documents and publications relevant to the RPS and APS programs.

RPS and APS Annual Compliance Reports

All Massachusetts Retail Electricity Suppliers are required (per 225 CMR 14.09, 15.09, and 16.09) to submit Compliance Filings each year by July 1, which demonstrate that they met their Renewable and Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS & APS) obligations during the previous calendar year.

In turn, the Department of Energy Resources is required (per 225 CMR 14.10(2), 15.10(2), and 16.10(2)) to issue an Annual RPS & APS Compliance Report, which includes summarized information from the Annual Compliance Filings submitted by the Retail Electricity Suppliers.

RPS & APS Annual Compliance 2021 Report*

*Please note on September 6, 2024, the Department made an update to the 2021 Annual Report due to an error in Tab 17 being identified. 

RPS & APS Annual Compliance 2020 Report

RPS & APS Annual Compliance 2019 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2018 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2017 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2016 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2015 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2014 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2013 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2012 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2011 Report 

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2010 Report

RPS & APS Compliance Year 2009 Report   (See correction page 3)

RPS Compliance Year 2008 Report 

RPS Compliance Year 2007 Report  (See corrections on page 2)

RPS Compliance Year 2006 Report 

RPS Compliance Year 2005 Report  (See correction on page 2)

RPS Compliance Year 2004 Report 

RPS Compliance Year 2003 Report  (First annual report issued)

Biomass Sustainability Study

In November 2009, under the direction of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Ian Bowles, the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) commissioned a team to conduct a comprehensive six-month study of issues related to biomass sustainability and carbon policy (also referred to as the Manomet Study).

The team was charged with developing a significant, objective white paper that brings the best science to bear as DOER considers the path forward for biomass energy policy, including the preparation of new regulations to establish sustainability criteria that biomass facilities must meet under the Massachusetts Renewable Portfolio Standard.

The Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study, released in June 2010, addresses the following issues:

  • Sustainable forest management and ecological implications of biomass harvesting
  • Carbon sequestration of forests with and without forest management
  • Net effect of biomass energy on atmospheric carbon balance
  • U.S. and international policies in regard to biomass and carbon neutrality

The Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study, and supporting materials, are available below.

Led by the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, the study was conducted by a team of environmental professionals recognized nationally and internationally in forestry and conservation. An Independent Advisory Panel reviewed the team's work.

In addition to the Manomet Center, the Forest Guild, the Pinchot Institute for Conservation, and the Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC) have all contributed staff and resources to the study.

Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences is a relatively small but influential non-profit organization based in Manomet, Massachusetts, which is helping to build a sustainable world based on healthy natural systems that support human and wildlife populations.

The Forest Guild is a national organization of more than 700 foresters, allied professionals, and supporters who manage forestlands in the United States and Canada and are stewards of and advocates for ecologically sound forest practices. Its mission is to practice and promote ecologically, economically, and socially responsible forestry as a means of sustaining the integrity of forest ecosystems and the human communities dependent upon them.

The Pinchot Institute for Conservation is a leading forest conservation and policy organization. With the goal of informing the national discourse on climate and energy policy, the Institute is exploring the role of sustainably managed forests in our nation's energy future.

Biomass Energy Resource Center is a national non-profit organization based in Montpelier, Vermont. Its mission is to achieve a healthier environment, strengthen local economies, and increase energy security across the United States, through the development of sustainable biomass energy systems at the community level.

Commonwealth Accelerated Renewable Thermal Strategy

The Commonwealth Accelerated Renewable Thermal Strategy report advises DOER on which policies and programs the Commonwealth can deploy in order to grow the market for renewable heating and cooling appliances. Renewable heating and cooling refers to solar hot water, biomass pellets and chips, ground source and air source heat pumps, biofuels and biogas. These technologies are commercially ready for deployment, but their market share in the Commonwealth is currently low.

The report outlines the results from a thorough customer class analysis, energy modeling and extensive stakeholder input throughout the summer of 2013. The benefits of investing in renewable heating and cooling (fuel savings, jobs, greenhouse gas savings) are projected to be about 3 times higher than their costs, with renewable energy potentially reaching 30-32% of overall thermal energy use in the state by 2030. Reaching this level of penetration however requires substantial and concerted efforts from state agencies as well as market participants. The main outcome of the report is a set of concrete recommended priority strategies to grow the market for renewable heating and cooling in the state. They are intended to provide guidance to market participants and be a balanced mix of financial, communication and capacity building strategies.

Post 400 MW Solar Incentive Program Report

To inform the development of the SREC-II program design, DOER hired a team of consultants to support specific Tasks.  The team includes The Cadmus Group, Inc., Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC, La Capra Associates, and Meister Consultants Group. The Consultants were asked to provide analysis and reports on the following tasks. The Consultants were not asked to provide recommendations, but to provide support to inform decisions to be made by DOER.

Task 1: Evaluation of Current Solar Costs and Needed Incentive Levels Across Market Segments
Final report

Task 2: Comparative Evaluation of Carve-out Policy with Other Policy Alternatives
Final report 

Task 3a: Evaluation of 400 MW (SREC-I) Program in Meeting its Objectives
Final Report

Task 3b: Analysis of Economic Costs and Benefits of Solar Program (SREC-II)
Final Report

Task 4: Comparative Regional Economic Impacts of Solar Ownership/Financing Alternatives
Final Report

Post 1600 MW Solar Incentive Program Report

In February 2016, DOER selected Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC to complete an analysis of revenue requirements for solar projects, as well as a comparative evaluation of various types of incentive programs. The results of that analysis can be found in the report below:

Developing a Post-1600 MW Solar Incentive Program Report

Effective Incentive Requirement Results

Revenue Requirement Results

Additional Reports

Solar Siting Analysis

DOER, in conjunction with MassGIS, has undertaken an analysis of ground mounted solar that was developed between 2010-2019. The analysis assesses the total acres of land in Massachusetts that have been developed and characterizes the land that has been displaced by solar activity. 

Solar Siting Analysis Mapping Files

Solar Siting Analysis Map

Solar Siting Analysis

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