APR Improvement Program (AIP)

Learn more about the APR Improvement Program (AIP) and how to apply.


AIP provides business planning, technical assistance, and grants to commercial farms with land that has already been protected through MDAR’s Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program to help sustain active commercial farming on the land.

Grants funds of $90,000 - $150,000 may be available on a cost reimbursement basis, with a 10% match, for capital infrastructure improvements on the farm identified through the AIP planning process. Examples of uses of grant funds include new or improved agricultural buildings, such as barns, livestock housing, farmstands or processing facilities, or resource improvements, such as wells, establishing perennial crops or fencing. The program may also provide additional technical assistance in identified areas of need such as family succession, marketing, or financial tracking to help increase farm viability.


The application period for this program is closed.  The next open application period is expected in early spring of 2025, dependent upon funding. 

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