Cranberry Renovation Tax Credit Program
Cranberry bogs require periodic upkeep and renovation. Most bogs are built to allow for flooding at harvest, which can require substantial amounts of water if the bog is not level. In addition, bog renovation provides an opportunity to install a new tile drainage system, irrigation pipes, pumps, monitoring equipment and more. Renovating existing bogs or restoring old bogs that have been out of service can be costly. Recognizing the economic challenges facing cranberry growers who do want to renovate their bogs to increase yield, reduce energy cost and improve water efficiency, all of which is better for the Massachusetts economy and environment, the legislature recently established a new tax credit program to offset 25% of the cost of renovating cranberry bogs in Massachusetts, up to a $100,000 credit.
For more information, please visit the Cranberry Renovation Tax Credit Program webpage.
Dairy Farmer Tax Credit Program
This grant program offers registered Massachusetts dairy farms a state income tax credit. This credit is based on production for any month in which the farm price of milk falls below a trigger price. This program was created to offset the cyclical downturns in milk prices paid to dairy farms.
For more information, visit the Dairy Farmer Tax Credit Program webpage.
Farm Energy Discount Program
This program provides discounts on electricity and natural gas bills. Discounts are 10% to eligible entities engaged in production agriculture. Certification by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is required. MDAR must approve eligible persons or corporations.
For more information, visit the FEDP webpage.
GAP/GHP Reimbursement
This program funds research projects that address challenges and opportunities in marketing, transportation, and distribution of agricultural products.
Any grower located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that applies must complete the USDA GAP/GHP or Harmonized audit.
Eligible parties may apply for reimbursement to cover the cost of the audit if they are successful.
Reimbursements will not be given for costs associated with a failed audit.
Contact Howie Vinton for more information:, 617-626-1803.
Organic Cost Share
MDAR works with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service to reimburse certified organic farmers and food processors up to 75% ($750 dollars maximum) of the total certification cost.
Farms and food companies must be inspected and certified to receive funds. Parties receiving renewal of certification may be eligible.
For more information, visit the Organic Cost Share Program webpage.
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) Retrofit Program
7 out of 10 farms are out of business within five years of a fatal tractor rollover. It makes sense to protect yourself, your family and your business. Rollover protective structures (ROPS) are 99% effective in preventing rollover deaths and injuries.
This grant program will rebate 70% of the cost of purchasing and installing the ROPS (up to $865 maximum rebate). Rebate funds are good towards the price of the ROPS kit, shipping charges, tax, professional installation costs, and a sun canopy. You can buy and install the ROPS kit (rollbar and seatbelt) as well as any of the previous items. Details here (.pdf)