Attorney Connect Portal Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to questions from attorneys representing children and famlies involved with with the Department of Children and Families.

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Why doesn't it show that I attended a review?

The Case Reviewer from the Foster Care Review Unit is responsible for documenting the review, including participant attendance.  Once the documentation is complete, you will see a Yes in the "Attended" column of the My Reviews list for any review you attended.  You will also be able to see the Foster Care Review Report for completed reviews by clicking the Document icon under Actions.

What should I do if I'm no longer representing a family involved with DCF?

If you see a review/client listed for which you are no longer the attorney, please contact the DCF General Counsel - Special Projects Unit by email at or by phone at (617) 748-2315.

What should I do if a client I'm representing doesn't show on my list?

If a client you a represending doesn't show on your My Reviews or your My Clients list, please contact the DCF General Counsel - Special Projects Unit by email at or by phone at (617) 748-2315.

How do I log out?

To log out of the Attorney Connect Portal, click the blue Logout icon in the top right of any page in the Attorney Connect Portal.  

If you've logged on to the Virtual Gateway first, click the Logout link in the Manage My Accounts section of the Virtual Gateway landing page to logout of the Virtual Gateway.

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