The Breastfeeding Initiative collaborates with other Bureau of Family Health and Nutrition programs to increase statewide breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity rates.
Helpful information
- Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — Breastfeeding
- Healthy People 2020 Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Objectives
- Hospital Licensure Regulations
- MA DPH Guidelines for Breastfeeding Initiation and Support
- Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding
- USDA WIC Breastfeeding Support
Resources for families
- The Boston Breastfeeding Coalition/Vital Village Network
Warmline (857) 301-8259
Coordinates breastfeeding support groups in the Boston area. Many now offer virtual support groups.
The Warmline is operated by volunteer lactation peer counselors, CLCs and IBCLCs and provides free phone support 7 days a week. - La Leche League International
(800) 525-3243
Answers questions and refers callers to local La Leche League leaders. Also call (877) 452-5324 or visit MA, RI, VT La Leche League to find a leader near you. - Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition
Provides breastfeeding information, educational materials, and other resources for parents. - Massachusetts WIC Nutrition Program
(800) 942-1007
Provides nutrition and breastfeeding counseling, nutritious foods, and health and social service referrals to eligible women, infants, and children. Call to be directed to a local WIC program in your area. - NeoQIC Human Milk QI Collaborative Educational Materials for Families
- Nursing Mothers Council
(650) 327-6455
Provides telephone counseling, pump rentals and sales, consultations and referrals, and home visits (on a limited basis, small fee may apply). - Pioneer Valley Breastfeeding Coalition
- Prenatal and Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs
Provides lactation care and ensures that families are linked to community breastfeeding support systems that best meet their needs. - Zipmilk
Provides contact information for breastfeeding resources based on zip code including lactation consultants, physicians, support groups, and WIC program coordinators.
Resources for providers
- Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
Provides scientific literature, statements and clinical protocols. International organization of physicians dedicated to protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding. - Infant Risk Center
Provides current evidence-based information on the use of medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. - LactMed
Provides a peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. - Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition
Provides useful materials, resources and guidance for professionals working with breastfeeding mothers and infants. - Mothers' Milk Bank Northeast
Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast accepts donations of human milk to ensure that medically fragile babies receive it. They also offer safe, pasteurized donor milk to families in our communities who need to supplement breastfeeding in the first few week’s post-partum when available. - Supporting Breastfeeding in the Early Care and Education setting
Includes tools and resources can help states, Early Care and Education (ECE) leaders, and public health practitioners promote good nutrition and physical activity in the ECE setting. - United States Breastfeeding Committee
Provides professional training, work place support, and information on current legislation, policies and initiatives.
Contact for Breastfeeding resources
Ellen Tolan RD, LDN, IBCLC State Breastfeeding Coordinator, Nutritionist
Email Breastfeeding Initiative at
Rachel Colchamiro
Email Breastfeeding Initiative at
(617) 624-6179
Massachusetts WIC Program, Nutrition Division
250 Washington St., 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02108