Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity

This program makes federal funds available to municipal law enforcement agencies to address unmet public safety needs in the communities they serve. Funding is provided through the Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program.

Table of Contents


PLEASE NOTE: This program is not currently accepting applications for funding.

The Office of Grants and Research (OGR) will make available approximately $2,500,000 for Municipal Police Departments to competitively solicit federal funding to address local law enforcement prevention, intervention, and suppression programming needs. Eligible police departments may apply for a maximum of $50,000.

All proposals must have a law enforcement, criminal justice nexus and be structured with a primary focus on impacting a specific public safety need in order to be considered for funding.  Applicants may request funds for services and activities aimed at prevention/intervention, diversion and/or enforcement.

Priority areas include: 

  • Combatting Drug Use
  • Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault
  • Gang and Gun Violence  
  • Missing Person Cases
  • Hate Crimes
  • Technology Upgrades, Investigative Tools, and Protective Gear
  • School Safety and Security

The Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity also places priority on applications that advance racial equity and support for underserved communities. 


Only a police department from a Massachusetts municipality (local unit of government) is eligible to apply.

FY24 Key Dates and Materials

Key Dates:

Solicitation Posted: Friday, July 14, 2023

Applications Due (both hard copy and electronic):  Wednesday, August 23 by 4:00 pm.

Anticipated Award Announcements: September 2023

Grant Award Period: October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024

Application Materials:

FY24 Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity AGF

FY24 Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity Budget Worksheet (Attachment A)

Interoperable Communications Investment Proposal (ICIP) - Required only if requesting funds for interoperable communications projects as detailed here.

Additional Materials:

FY24 Byrne JAG Local Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity Q&A - Update 8.15.23

Resources for Grant Recipients

Contact   for Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity

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