PLEASE NOTE: This program is not currently accepting applications for funding.
The Office of Grants and Research (OGR) will make available approximately $2,500,000 for Municipal Police Departments to competitively solicit federal funding to address local law enforcement prevention, intervention, and suppression programming needs. Eligible police departments may apply for a maximum of $50,000.
All proposals must have a law enforcement, criminal justice nexus and be structured with a primary focus on impacting a specific public safety need in order to be considered for funding. Applicants may request funds for services and activities aimed at prevention/intervention, diversion and/or enforcement.
Priority areas include:
- Combatting Drug Use
- Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault
- Gang and Gun Violence
- Missing Person Cases
- Hate Crimes
- Technology Upgrades, Investigative Tools, and Protective Gear
- School Safety and Security
The Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity also places priority on applications that advance racial equity and support for underserved communities.
Only a police department from a Massachusetts municipality (local unit of government) is eligible to apply.
FY24 Key Dates and Materials
Key Dates:
Solicitation Posted: Friday, July 14, 2023
Applications Due (both hard copy and electronic): Wednesday, August 23 by 4:00 pm.
Anticipated Award Announcements: September 2023
Grant Award Period: October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024
Application Materials:
FY24 Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity AGF
FY24 Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity Budget Worksheet (Attachment A)
Interoperable Communications Investment Proposal (ICIP) - Required only if requesting funds for interoperable communications projects as detailed here.
Additional Materials:
FY24 Byrne JAG Local Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity Q&A - Update 8.15.23