Choose a TAFDC Pathways to Work Program

Through TAFDC Pathways to Work, find the best education, employment or training program for you. DTA’s Pathways to Work programs help you prepare for and connect with career pathways and resolve barriers to employment. DTA will work with you to pick the best program to meet your goals on your path to economic mobility.

Table of Contents

Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES)

CIES provides training, education and job readiness services to TAFDC families interested in obtaining employment.  The primary focus is to assist clients in seeking and securing employment in jobs connected to a career pathway with support necessary to stay employed and achieve career growth.  The CIES program will assess the needs of your family, identify challenges to work, and determine current work skills. The provider will partner with you to   find the best skill development and work-related activities leading to your employment goals

Who is eligible?

TAFDC recipient or non-custodial parent of a child receiving TAFDC:

  • Has an employment goal
  • Is unemployed or underemployed
  • Needs supports to address challenges to career readiness


  • Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Individualized Employment planning
  • Job development and placement
  • Resume preparation
  • Interview skills
  • Life Skills training
  • ESOL and English for Employment
  • Adult Basic Education
  • Occupational/vocational training
  • Industry recognized certification
  • Financial management

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

Young Parents Program (YPP)

The Young Parents Program serves young parents, ages 14 through 24, who are receiving TAFDC or are the non-custodial parent of a child receiving TAFDC.  YPP is a year-round, full-time program that focuses on education to career pathways as the primary goal for young parents. The YPP program will provide you with educational, vocational, career preparation and family support services to help you reach your education, life and parenting goals. 

Who is eligible?

TADC recipient or non-custodial parent of a child receiving TAFDC:

  • Age 14-24
  • Interested in obtaining High School diploma or equivalency
  • HiSET/GED/High School graduates interested in post-secondary education or training
  • Current high school students seeking support around parenting, post-secondary education or training
  • Interested in ESOL (English as a Second Language)


  • Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Adult Basic Education
  • English language Proficiency
  • High school equivalency certification
  • Life and parenting skills
  • Coaching
  • Prevocational activities
  • Wrap-around supports throughout participation and post-completion

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

Office for Refugees and Immigrants (ORI) Program

ORI offers unique language, cultural, and employment placement skills for DTA clients who are refugees or immigrants and whose primary language is not English.  Through ORI services, you will receive an assessment of the immediate needs of you and your family, and ongoing follow up services once employed.  Services are provided in your primary language as you work to build English skills.

Who is eligible?

TAFDC recipient or non-custodial parent of a child receiving TAFDC:

  • Refugees, asylees and other immigrants, where English is not their first language
  • Puerto Rican evacuee
  • Has an employment goal
  • Needs support to navigate cultural and language barriers
  • Serviced by an area covered by the offices Boston, Brockton, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Worcester and Springfield


  • Comprehensive assessment, including work history, life experience, interests, hobbies, and skills
  • Employment Readiness
  • Access to Vocational Skills training
  • Employment workshops and job fairs
  • Job placement and retention

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

Secure Jobs Program

Secure Jobs program supports families experiencing or are at risk of homelessness by bringing together employment and housing agencies to help families increase economic stability. Secure Jobs serves families receiving support from the Department of Housing and Community Development with services focused in three areas: Education and Career, Stable Housing and Economic Stability, and Family Stability and Well-Being. As a participant, you will have access to barrier busting flexible funds and receive wrap-around support towards achieving economic mobility.

Who is eligible?

  • *Families receiving support from DHCD Emergency Assistance Program (currently experiencing homelessness and residing in EA shelter), the HomeBASE program or Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT)
  • Interested in employment or job training
  • Participants must be ready, willing and able to work
  • Serviced by an area covered by the offices of Boston, Brockton, Fall River, Taunton, New Bedford, Hyannis, Framingham, Lawrence, Lowell, Holyoke, Springfield and Worcester

*Note: Eligibility is solely based on eligibility for DHCD services and is only available to DTA clients receiving DHCD services.


  • Enrollment and Goal Setting
  • Job Readiness and Training
  • Job Placement and Retention
  • Vocational Skills training
  • Access to flexible funds to address challenges to housing and employment

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

DTA Works Internship

DTA Works is a work-ready program that provides TAFDC recipients with the opportunity to acquire or develop skills necessary to re-enter the workforce through an on-the-job work experience. Interns are placed at a variety of locations including DTA offices, partner state agencies, and community-based agencies where they receive on the job training and mentor support to overcome any challenges on their career path.

Who is eligible?

A TAFDC recipient:

  • Has an employment goal
  • Able to pass a CORI
  • Basic computer skills
  • Willing to comply with guidelines of the internship

As a DTA Works Intern you will:

  • Participate in on the job training weekly for 36 weeks 
  • Receive individual mentoring
  • Learn the skills you need to succeed in a work environment 
  • Gain employment references
  • Receive a monthly education and training stipend in addition to their TAFDC and SNAP benefit with no impact to those benefits

How to apply

If you meet these criteria, email your resume to or contact your local office Full Engagement Worker. If you are chosen for an interview, we will schedule one with you.

Work Participant Program (WPP)

WPP is a partnership between DTA and Massachusetts Department of Career Services through MassHire Career Centers providing scaled up targeted Job Search and related services to TAFDC and SNAP participants.  This partnership provides additional employment supports to participants through the network of MassHire Career Centers. Through WPP, you will receive access to individualized career counseling and guidance, workshops, job fairs, employer recruitment, and access to free resources to assist with job search and applications.

 Who is eligible?

  • A TAFDC or SNAP recipient
  • Seeking employment or occupational or vocational training 


  • Individualized job coaching
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Resume writing
  • Access to digital resources
  • Access to certificate programs
  • Statewide and national job listing
  • English language skills
  • Vocational Skills training
  • Direct employer connections

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

Find a career center near you and start today.

Empowering to Employ (ETE)

Empowering to Employ is a partnership between DTA and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) that provides enhanced opportunities for workforce engagement for TAFDC families with disabilities. This program allows a streamlined MRC enrollment process by providing a direct connection to MRC staff for an assessment of eligibility and vocational needs. Through ETE, you will receive vocational supports, workforce development and supportive services needed to increase skills development and find meaningful employment. This program is available to clients serviced by an area covered by offices in Brockton, Quincy, Lawrence, North Shore and Fitchburg DTA offices.

Who is eligible?

A TAFDC recipient:

  • Diagnosed with a documented disability 
  • Denied a disability claim
  • Assessed for learning disability
  • Has an employment goal
  • Disconnected from the workforce for an extended period
  • Serviced by an area covered by the offices of Brockton, Quincy, Lawrence, North Shore and Fitchburg

*Note: Must meet with one of the first three eligibility criteria as well as having an employment goal


  • Direct referral to MRC for eligibility and vocational needs
  • Individualized coaching
  • Access to vocational support and employment services
  • Disability assessment
  • Intensive co-case management
  • Vocational and Job Readiness skills training
  • Job placement

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

High School Equivalency Credential

If you are a TAFDC recipient and do not have a high school diploma but need one for school or work, the GED © or HiSET® provides high school-level academic skills and certification. DTA will provide a voucher to cover the fee for you to take the test required to earn the credential.  Having a diploma will improve employment options and open doors towards a college education or vocational certification.

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

Learning Disability Screening and Assessments

DTA offers free learning disability screenings and assessments to TAFDC recipients who believe they may have a challenge in the way they learn or may have:

  • Difficulty at work or school that prevent them from reaching their career and/or educational goals
  • Significant problems in daily life (e.g., relationships, managing finances, decision-making)
  • A desire to know why they have always struggled to learn and remember information

A learning disability assessment will gather relevant information about your areas of strengths and challenges to assess your learning style and how it relates to your abilities at work or in school.  By completing the LD assessment, you may be eligible to complete a full evaluation with DTA’s partner, UMASS Medical. Through that evaluation, you can obtain the information and documentation to formally request accommodations at work or in school, and to determine effective strategies for learning and living based on your areas of strengths.

How to apply

If interested, contact or your local office Full Engagement Worker.

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