Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination Compliance Resources

Sub-recipients of all MOVA-administered awards are required to adhere to relevant state and federal civil rights and non-discrimination rules and regulations.

The following resources can be used to assist with these requirements.

Table of Contents

Office for Civil Rights Online Training

Completion of the online civil rights training by an appropriate agency representative is required a minimum of once per grant cycle for MOVA sub-recipient agencies. A record of completion must be maintained. 

This online training is designed to assist recipients of grants funded by the Department of Justice in complying with the federal civil rights obligations, statutes, and regulations that prohibit discrimination. 

Equal Opportunity Employment Program (EEOP)

MOVA sub-recipient agencies must comply with the Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) EEOP requirements. All MOVA sub-recipients must complete EEOP requirements on an annual basis. Below are the links to the reporting platforms and EEOP Job Aids and responses to frequently asked questions. 

Agencies that receive direct federal funding from the Department of Justice:  

Agencies that do not receive direct federal funding from the Department of Justice:  

EEOP Report Builder FAQs 

The FAQ will be updated and reposted to MOVA’s website periodically as more information is released about Report Builder and EEOP requirements.  

Non-discrimination in Service Provision and Employment Practices

Sub-recipients are prohibited from discriminating either in employment or in the delivery of services on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or disability. Massachusetts state law further prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Sub-recipients are required to develop practices to mitigate discrimination in the provision of services and in employment practices. These methods must be documented in internal policies and/or procedures with information on how individuals are informed of agency practices and how to file a complaint alleging discrimination. Complaint processes are to incorporate due process standards and provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of a complaint. Below are templates that show examples of these requirements.  

This sample template can be adapted to create an employment anti-discrimination policy and complaint procedure. 

This sample template can be adapted to create a service delivery anti-discrimination policy and complaint procedure. 

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Access

In accordance with the Department of Justice Guidance pertaining to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ,42 U.S.C. § 2000d, sub-recipients must agree to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency. Written practices that ensure access to necessary forms of written and verbal communication must be documented in sub-recipient policy and/or procedure.  

For more information on LEP requirements visit the Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Civil Rights website. 

This sample template can be used and adapted to create a language access policy. 

Additional Resources

For more information and resources please visit the Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Civil Rights website. 

Complaints alleging discrimination or unfair/unequal treatment by a MOVA-funded agency or by MOVA, in either the provision of services or in employment practices can be filed here. 

The Attorney General’s Civil Rights Division provides information about civil rights and accepts complaints alleging civil rights violations.  

MCAD is an independent state agency that accepts discrimination complaints and enforces the Massachusetts anti-discrimination laws. MCAD also offers remedial and preventative training, and publishes resources online such as model policies, posters, and guides. 

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