Commission on Clean Heat Issues Final Report

The Massachusetts Commission on Clean Heat has issued their final recommendations package to the Baker-Polito Administration in the form of a final report.

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Commission on Clean Heat Final Report

In September 2021, Governor Baker signed Executive Order 596 to establish the Massachusetts Commission on Clean Heat.  The Commission has worked together since January 2022 to develop recommendations on the strategies and policies to achieve deep emissions reductions from the use of heating fuels in the Commonwealth. The Commission's recommendations offer a framework for a long-term decline in emissions from heating fuels as well as policy directions that seek to accelerate the deployment of energy efficiency programs and clean heating systems in new and existing buildings, and transition current distribution systems to clean energy, while doing so as equitably as possible.

The final report is available here in English, Español中文PortuguêsKreyòl ayisyenTiếng Việt, and Kriolu

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