Mass in Motion is made up of several components, which includes:
- Nutrition: Executive Order 509 Nutrition Standards for State Agencies, is a component of Mass in Motion which requires state agencies responsible for large-scale food purchasing to follow a set of nutrition standards in their food service operations.
- Communities: The Municipal Wellness and Leadership Grant Program, which provides grant funding and technical assistance to over 60 cities and towns to engage in community-based obesity prevention efforts
- Worksites: Working on Wellness, a Workplace Wellness Program which works with employers to develop an infrastructure that best addresses the needs of individual employers and employees
- Childcare: MA Children at Play, a childcare program which improves the nutrition and physical activity policies and practices in preschool settings
- Schools:
- School BMI Screenings, a state regulation which requires MA school districts to screen students for overweight and obesity
- School Nutrition Standards, a state regulation which requires foods served in schools to meet certain nutrition standards
Contact for Components of Mass in Motion
250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108