Connecting to MassGIS tile layers

A guide on how to connect to MassGIS tile layers, including aerial (ortho) imagery.

This guide describes how to add MassGIS' cached tile layers hosted at ArcGIS Online to common GIS software and ArcGIS Online web maps. The illustrations show the example of the 2019 aerial (ortho) images, but the steps are the same for images from all other years and other tile layers (basemaps, etc.).

Table of Contents

Instructions for Esri’s ArcGIS Pro

Click on the "Add Data" dropdown in the Layer section

ArcGIS Pro Step 1

Choose "Data - Add data to the map"

ArcGIS Pro Step 2

Click on “All Portal” under “Portal”

ArcGIS Pro Step 3

In the upper right in the “Search Portal: All Portal” type "massgis 2019" and hit Enter. Double click on "MassGIS 2019 USGS Color Ortho Imagery".

ArcGIS Pro Step 4

Double click on "orthos2019”

ArcGIS Pro Step 5

The orthos will be added to the map:

ArcPro Step 6

Instructions for Esri’s ArcMap

Click the little triangle next to the Add Data button and choose "Add Data From ArcGIS Online…". (You can also choose Add Data > Add Data From ArcGIS Online… from the File menu).

Adding to ArcMap Step 1

In the ArcGIS Online search box type "MassGIS 2019" and hit Enter. Find the tile labeled "Massachusetts 2019 USGS Color Ortho Imagery" and click the blue "Add" link in the lower right of the tile.

Adding to ArcMap Step 2

The orthos will add to the map:

adding to arcmap step 3

Instructions for Esri’s ArcGIS Online web maps

You can add MassGIS web services to ArcGIS Online maps as a layer or a basemap. After signing in to ArcGIS Online, create a new Map or open an existing one. Then, click on the "Add" dropdown and choose "Search for Layers".

AGOL Step 1

Click on the dropdown to choose "ArcGIS Online".

AGOL Step 2

Type "massgis 2019"" in the "Search for layers" box and hit Enter. Click the circled plus sign to add it to the map as a layer.

AGOL Step 3

You can also click on the blue link labeled "Massachusetts 2019 USGS Color Ortho Imagery" and additional information will appear to the right. Click on the blue "Add to Map" button or circled plus sign to add it as a layer. Click on "Use as Basemap" to replace your map's current basemap with the MassGIS orthos.

AGOL Step 4

The orthos will be added to the map:

AGOL Step 5

Instructions for adding a layer as a WMTS service

MassGIS' tile layers are also available as a WMTS standard service. This type of service can be added to many applications, including most GIS software and online mapping resources.

The format for the URL is:

To find the service name, visit the MassGIS Tile Layer Gallery. For each layer, click "..." > "View Details" and in the lower right of the page, in the URL section, click View. In the URL of that page, the text string between "services/" and "/MapServer" is what to substitute for ServiceName.

For example, use this URL for the 2019 imagery:

Use this methodology when adding layers to QGIS (see next section).

Instructions for QGIS

To add the orthos to QGIS (free, open source GIS software), add or open a map and click on the Layer menu and choose "Add Layer" > "Add WMS/WMTS Layer".

QGIS Step 1

In the dialog click on the "New" button.

QGIS Step 2

Fill out the dialog box to create a connection as shown here. For the URL box, use the methodology and syntax as described in the previous section. Then click OK:

QGIS Step 3

The layer with the name you chose will appear in the list in the Layers tab. Below that, click the "Connect" button and the Layer "USGS_Orthos_2019" will appear.

QGIS Step 4

Highlight the layer row and click the "Add" button in the lower right. Then click the "Close" button to close the dialog.

QGIS Step 5

The layer is added to the map:

QGIS Step 6

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