COOP Planning Guidance and Documents
A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP Plan) identifies mission-critical organizational functions which must continue when normal operations are, or may be disrupted, and provides a framework for the continued operation of these mission essential functions under all threats and conditions. The Plan also helps to identify lines of succession, alternate facilities, critical systems, essential records, and delegations of authority.
State Agency COOP Program Template
Continuity of Operations Program Guidance V0.6
FEMA Continuity Guidance Circular (CGC)
State Agency Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Submission to MEMA
In accordance with Executive Order #490, all Executive Branch agencies are required to provide MEMA with an electronic copy of their Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). To submit a plan to MEMA, please use the following link: State Agency COOP Plan Submission.
Federal Continuity Guidance
Business Continuity Planning
For Business Continuity planning resources, see FEMA’s Business Continuity Plan webpage:
Safety and Emergency Action Planning
This Emergency Action Plan Template was developed by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), to be used by Executive Branch Agency partners in the development of their Facility Emergency Action Plan. It is designed to be used in accordance with requirements set forth in Executive Order 511, and relevant OSHA standards. The contents within are able to be customized by any agency, and can be expanded or contracted as necessary.