Cross-Tracking System | Charges and Convictions for Pre-Trial Offenders

This dashboard empowers members of the public for the first time to see organized, aggregated data about charges and convictions for pre-trial Offenders in state and county correctional facilities.

Table of Contents


As part of the Criminal Justice Reform Law, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS), in consultation with the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS), created a standardized data collection and cross-tracking system for criminal justice agencies and the Trial Court. To provide meaningful access to the data, this Cross-Tracking Dashboard empowers members of the public for the first time to see organized aggregated data, download datasets for independent study, and deepen their understanding of the Commonwealth’s criminal justice system. 

About the Information Displayed Below

The dashboards below allow users to visualize the charges and convictions for criminally pre-trial individuals across all Massachusetts custodial agencies. The displays use data snapshots from January 1st of each year between 2017 and 2024 and they allow users to categorize the data by race, ethnicity, sex, and age. Out of respect for the privacy of incarcerated individuals and pursuant to Criminal Offender Record Information laws (CORI), the dashboard does not include any personally identifiable information, and efforts have been made to provide all information that can be anonymized.

The information displayed below aggregates several systems maintained by the project’s contributing partners, including, but not limited to:

  • The Department of Correction (DOC) Inmate Management System (IMS)
  • The County Sheriffs’ 12 independent Offender Management Systems (OMS) and Hampden County’s Jail Management System (JMS)
  • The Massachusetts Trial Court MassCourts system

Recognizing that the participating agencies submitted data that predates the standardized definitions of charges and convictions, data not recorded consistently in an electronically retrievable manner prior to the recent standardization efforts will not appear here to ensure the dashboard’s integrity.

Cross-Tracking allows any user to:

  • Filter by agency or groups of agencies, offense type, offense sub-type, offense severity, sex, age, race and ethnicity
  • Download the data behind any visualization through a link at the bottom of the page.

For more information about the dashboard, you can access FAQs here

For any other questions, please write to 

Leading Charge for Pre-Trial Custodial Cohort

This line chart and table shows the leading charge for all offenders in custody for each January 1st, from 2017 through 2024. Each offender in custody has one leading charge. The line chart and the table show leading charge broken down by offense type. Users can filter by agency, offender demographic characteristics (sex, race, ethnicity, and age) as well as offense sub-type and specific offense. The bar chart and table showing leading charge sub-type shows the top ten offense sub-types. The bar chart and table showing leading charge severity shows the number of offenders in custody for felonies and misdemeanors.

All Charges and Prior Convictions for Pre-Trial Custodial Cohort

This series of charts and tables show all the charges and prior convictions associated with the custodial placement of the pre-trial offender at the selected snapshot date.

All Charges for Pre-Trial Custodial Cohort

This series of charts and tables show a summary of all the charges associated with the cases for which pre-trial offenders were in custody on the snapshot date. Information on the charges is shown for offense type, offense sub-type, and offense severity. Filters are available for offender demographics (sex, race, ethnicity, and age), agency, and characteristics of the charge.


Revision History

Details Date
Updated On01/28/2025
Published On06/13/2024

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