CZM's clean boating and marina management priorities are discussed below. For a full list of all components of the CZM Coastal Water Quality Program, see Overview and Index.
Program Priorities
- No Discharge Zones (NDZs) - NDZs are designated bodies of water where the discharge of all boat sewage, whether treated or not, is prohibited. All of Massachusetts waters are designated as “no discharge” for vessel sewage. CZM supports efforts to increase boat pumpout facilities to make proper sewage disposal more convenient for boaters.
- Clean Boating - To further support boater efforts to keep coastal waters clean, CZM provides information on boat pumpout facilities for proper boat sewage disposal and on bilge socks to reduce the oil and gas released from boat engines.
- Marina Management - CZM provides technical assistance and support to marinas to reduce coastal water pollution from pressure washing of boats, hull repair, engine maintenance, fueling, and other services marinas offer to the boating public.
The CZM Coastal Water Quality Program Publications Page includes an annotated listing of all CZM publications related to coastal water quality, covering the following topic areas: general water quality, the Coastal Pollutant Remediation (CPR) Grant Program, clean boating, marina management, the Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program, stormwater and Low Impact Development/Smart Growth, water quality monitoring, and more.