Disciplinary action taken by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Dentistry

Record of disciplinary action taken by the Board.

The actions set forth in 234 CMR 9.00: Investigations, complaints and board actions (https://www.mass.gov/regulations/234-CMR-9-investigations-complaints-and-board-actions): sections 9.04 and 9.05 constitute disciplinary actions the Board may impose on any license to engage in the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene, or dental assisting in Massachusetts, or on the right to renew such license. Except as provided by 234 CMR 9.05, the Board may only impose disciplinary action as part of a final decision or order issued after the adjudication of a complaint, or under the terms of an agreement entered into between an individual licensed by the Board and the Board in resolution of a complaint.

Disciplinary actions


A disciplinary action constitutes a public record and is reportable by the Board to other licensing entities and to national disciplinary data reporting systems as disciplinary action on any license to practice dentistry, dental hygiene, or dental assisting in Massachusetts, or on the right to renew such license.


For definitions of the disciplinary actions taken by the Board, view the Board regulation at 234 CMR 9.04.

List of actions

See our Records of Disciplinary Actions taken by the Board (01/01/2014 – end of last month) (PDF) | (XLSX). This record is updated every month with the actions taken by the Board (01/01/-2014 – end of last month).

Use the licensee’s Massachusetts dental, dental hygiene, or dental assisting license number to accurately verify if any disciplinary action has been taken by the Board with respect to a licensed individual. Last names may change over time. The report lists a licensee’s current name on record with the Board.

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