E. Miscellaneous case procedures

Information on procedures and services regarding public employee collective bargaining

Table of Contents

1. Request for Binding Arbitration

The DLR orders the parties to a written collective bargaining agreement to submit an unresolved grievance to arbitration if the parties’ collective bargaining agreement does not contain a final and binding arbitration procedure.[107] For information on filing a request for binding arbitration, see 456 CMR 16.02.


[107] M.G.L. c. 150E, Section 8.

2. Strike Investigation

Section 9A(a) of the Law prohibits public employees and employee organizations from striking or inducing, encouraging, or condoning a work stoppage by public employees. When a strike occurs or is about to occur, a public employer may petition for a strike investigation pursuant to Section 9A(b). Generally, the DLR promptly schedules an investigation. For further information on strike investigations, see 456 CMR 16.03.

3. Request for Advisory Rulings

The CERB issues an advisory ruling when a party to collective bargaining negotiations challenges the negotiability of a written proposal submitted to it by the opposing party. For information on petitioning for an advisory ruling, see 456 CMR 16.06.

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