The DLR is responsible for promoting stable, productive and cooperative relationships between public employers and their represented employees by administering and enforcing the Commonwealth's collective bargaining laws.
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To submit a public records request to DLR, click here: Department of Labor Relations Public Records Request.
Or to search DLR public records, click here: Department of Labor Relations Public Information Search.
Contact Us
(617) 626-7157
Main Office
Department of Labor Relations
Lafayette City Center, 2 Avenue de Lafayette
Boston, MA 02111-1750
Lafayette City Center, 2 Avenue de Lafayette
Boston, MA 02111-1750
Springfield Office (by appointment only)
Springfield State Office Building
436 Dwight Street, Room 206
Springfield, MA 01103
436 Dwight Street, Room 206
Springfield, MA 01103
Worcester Office (by appointment only)
Mercantile Center
100 Front Street, Suite 310
Worcester, MA 01608
100 Front Street, Suite 310
Worcester, MA 01608
Who we serve
We serve public sector employers, employees, and unions. We carry out our objectives by:
- Investigating, mediating, adjudicating, and litigating public sector unfair labor practice cases
- Defining appropriate bargaining units and conducting elections in which public employees may choose whether and which employee organization they want to represent them in collective bargaining
- Providing mediation, fact-finding, and arbitration services to assist public employers and employee representatives in resolving labor disputes and contract negotiations
- Enforcing special collective bargaining laws related to municipal police and firefighters through the Joint Labor Management Committee
What would you like to do?
- Representation
- Grievance Mediation
- Contract (Interest) Mediation and Fact Finding
- Arbitration
- Decisions, Statutes, Regulations, Meeting Minutes, & Forms
- Q&A Re: Janus v American Fed. of State, County, Mun. emp.
- Unfair Labor Practices (Private Sector)
- Statutes and Regulations
- A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Employee Collective Bargaining Law