Facility user sign-up
Users using ePOC will need to have two logins to access the system. The first login is the CMSnet login, which allows users to connect to the ePOC system. The second login is the ePOC Personal Login Account. This allows access to the ePOC system once connected using the first login.
Users who currently have access to the MDS system and already have a CMSnet and Personal Login ID for those systems can use those logins for ePOC. However, they will still need to request ePOC access to be added for the second login.
The CMSnet login (the first login) will be deactivated if not used for 90 days or more. The ePOC login (the second login) will be deactivated if not used for 120 days or more. We encourage users to keep these dates in mind and to access the ePOC system periodically to ensure their accounts for the system remain active. Facilities without active users will not be able to receive statements of deficiency from DPH, which could result in penalties.
See the complete CMS facility sign-up instructions for ePOC. Facility users must read and complete all steps in the instructions to sign up.
Facility user account removal
Users should have their accounts deactivated if they leave employment at a facility. There is a form to request deactivation of the CMSnet VPN account (see link below). To request deactivation of the ePOC account, send an email to the QTSO Help Desk at HELP@QTSO.COM and include the facility name, facility CCN number, and name of user whose account should be deactivated.
Facility user training
CMS Provider ePOC Training Video
- This video is provided by CMS and contains information on the use of the ePOC system for providers. To view this video, users must download the file to their computer.
CMS Provider ePOC User Manual (RTF)
- This manual is provided by CMS and provides guidance for facilities on how to use the ePOC system, including submission of a POC.