Program Goals
The Governor launched the Energy Storage Initiative in May 2015, with the goal of advancing the energy storage segment of the Massachusetts clean energy industry by:
- Attracting, supporting and promoting storage companies in Massachusetts
- Accelerating the development of early commercial storage technologies
- Expanding markets for storage technologies, and valuing storage benefits to clean energy integration, grid reliability, system wide efficiency, and peak demand reduction
- Recommending and developing policies, regulations and programs that help achieve those objectives.
The ESI includes a study, demonstration projects, inclusion in broader policy and programs, and a procurement target for electric distribution companies.
Additional Resources
Energy Storage Target
On August 9, 2018, An Act to Advance Clean Energy, Chapter 227 of the Acts of 2018 (“Act”), was signed into law by the Governor. Section 20. Of the Act established a 1,000 MWh energy storage target to be achieved by December 31, 2025.
The Act requires each electric distribution company annually report energy storage installations in their territory no later than February 15.
On February 15, 2024, EDCs reported 569 MWh of installed energy storage with an additional 8,806 MWh of storage in the pipeline.
Please note, due to data discrepancies, the 2017 and 2022 Energy Storage Target numbers have been revised
EDC Annual Reports
Additional Resources
Energy Storage Stakeholder Sessions
On May 30th, the DOER held a stakeholder event in order to facilitate discussion on the potential inclusion of energy storage technologies in the Commonwealth's Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS) and additional potential energy storage incentives. The event included four panels comprised of various industry representatives and moderated by DOER. Slides from the event can be found below.
Following the stakeholder sessions, the Act authorized DOER to establish a Clean Peak Energy Standard (CPS). DOER determined the CPS is the appropriate portfolio standard to include energy storage and did not pursue broadening energy storage inclusion in the APS.
Panel 2: Considerations for Storage in the APS and Current Market Perspectives
Panel 3: Considerations for a Clean Peak Standard or New Portfolio