Emerging Technology Division

The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources' Emerging Technology Division works to advance emerging technologies in clean energy and alternative transportation across the Commonwealth. These technologies help to offset Massachusetts dependence on fossil fuels and lower emissions that contribute to climate change.

Contact Us



DOER General Email doer.energy@mass.gov
DOER SMART Program doer.smart@mass.gov
DOER RPS Program doer.rps@mass.gov


Main Number (617) 626-7300

Open M-F 8:45am-5:00pm


Main Office
100 Cambridge St.
9th Floor
Boston, MA 02114

Who we serve

As part of Mass DOER, the Emerging Technology Division works with the other DOER Divisions to serve the residents, businesses, and institutions of the Commonwealth. 

Start here to discover how these new technologies and programs are being put to use in the Commonwealth and how you, your community, or business/institution can participate and benefit from them. 

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