Establishment of the Glyphosate Commission
This Commission was established by the legislature to conduct a scientific review of the potential impacts of glyphosate and its most common alternative herbicides on the environment and public health, including a review, undertaken in collaboration with the natural heritage and endangered species program, of the potential impacts of glyphosate and most common alternative herbicides. Members of the Commission include the Commissioner of MassDEP (chair); the Commissioner of Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources; the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health; the Director of the Division of Fish and Game; and a representative of a Land Trust Organization appointed by the legislature.
The Glyphosate Commission was established by the Massachusetts Legislature pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Acts of 2021.
Establishing a Commission to Investigate Glyphosate
For the operation of the department of agricultural resources …
… provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the creation and operation of a commission consisting of the following members: the commissioner of environmental protection, or a designee, who shall serve as chair; the commissioner of agricultural resources, or a designee; the commissioner of public health, or a designee; the director of the division of fisheries and wildlife, or a designee; and a representative of a land trust or other group with expertise in invasive plant management, who shall be designated by the joint committee on environment, natural resources and agriculture; provided further, that such commission shall conduct a scientific review of the potential impacts of glyphosate and its most common alternative herbicides on the environment and public health, including a review, undertaken in collaboration with the natural heritage and endangered species program, of the potential impacts of glyphosate and most common alternative herbicides on: (i) all species of plants and animals that have been determined to be endangered, threatened, or of special concern pursuant to chapter 131A of the General Laws; and (ii) all significant habitats designated pursuant to said chapter 131A; provided further, that the commission may expend any portion of its funds it deems necessary to enable the collaboration of the natural heritage and endangered species program; provided further, that the pesticide subcommittee established under section 3A of chapter 132B of the General Laws shall use said scientific review as part of an individual review conducted under 333 C.M.R. 8.03 to determine whether current uses of glyphosate pose unreasonable adverse effects to the environment, and whether current registered uses of glyphosate should be altered or suspended; provided further, that the department shall submit the results of both the scientific review and individual review to the joint committee on environment, natural resources and agriculture no later than December 31, 2021;
Glyphosate Commission Members
Pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Acts of 2021, the members of the Glyphosate Commission are:
- Bonnie Heiple (chair) Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
- Robert Goldstein Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- Ashley Randle Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
- Julie Richburg Land Trust representative, The Trustees of Reservations
- Mark Tisa, Director, Division of Fish and Game