MassDEP-Wide Advisory Committees
Fees Advisory Committee
Enacted by Section 18 of Chapter 21A of Massachusetts General Laws, this group was convened originally to provide the agency with informal input related to implementing the Permit Fees program. Since then it has been used as a general advisory committee to provide advice and information on broad issues of policy and on generally-applicable regulations and procedures. In all areas the role of the Committee is limited to providing advice and comment; the final decision on any matter remains with the Commissioner.
Air & Climate Stakeholder & Advisory Committees
Air Quality Advisory Committee
Consolidating the former State Implementation Plan (SIP) Steering Committee and the Air Permitting Forum, this group is open to all stakeholders and members of the public. It provides input to MassDEP on a variety of clean air regulations, policies, and programs under state statutes and the federal Clean Air Act, including development of Massachusetts SIPs for meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and regional haze requirements.
Cleanup of Sites & Spills Stakeholder & Advisory Committees
Waste Site Cleanup Program Advisory Committee
The Waste Site Cleanup Program Advisory Committee provides input to MassDEP on site cleanup regulations, policies and programs. In addition, the Committee serves as a forum for keeping interested organizations and individuals up to date on related MassDEP activities. The Committee includes representation by Licensed Site Professionals, consultants, municipal officials, attorneys, real estate developers, small businesses, petroleum interests, academia, public health and environmental advocates, and water utilities. This group strives to meet monthly regularly and meetings are streamed live. Videos of past meetings and additional information are available.
Oil Spill Act Advisory Committee
The Oil Spill Act Advisory Committee assists MassDEP in making the most efficient and effective use of a Trust Fund established by the Oil Spill Act, as well as other related policy and program matters. The group includes stakeholders interested in marine transport and shipping as well as others. The group meets on an annual cycle, and if necessary holds additional meetings on an as needed basis.
Toxics & Hazards Stakeholder & Advisory Committees
Glyphosate Commission
This Commission was established by the legislature to conduct a scientific review of the potential impacts of glyphosate and its most common alternative herbicides on the environment and public health, including a review, undertaken in collaboration with the natural heritage and endangered species program, of the potential impacts of glyphosate and most common alternative herbicides. Members of the Commission include the Commissioner of MassDEP (chair); the Commissioner of Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources; the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health; the Director of the Division of Fish and Game; and a representative of a Land Trust Organization appointed by the legislature.
Hazardous Waste Transporters Subcommittee
The Hazardous Waste Transporter Subcommittee reviews the development of standards, rules and regulations for hazardous waste management. This Subcommittee is open to all hazardous waste transporters, generators and facilities, consultants and members of the public. The Subcommittee meets on an “as needed” basis to provide a forum for discussion of hazardous waste transporter related issues and general matters of hazardous waste policy.
Waste & Recycling Stakeholder & Advisory Committees
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
The Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) advises MassDEP on solid waste regulations, policies and programs, and serves as a forum for keeping stakeholders up to date on related activities. Members are appointed by the MassDEP Commissioner, and represent a wide range of interests in the Commonwealth’s solid waste management program, including solid waste and recycling industries, solid waste generators, municipal and regional government officials, and environmental/public health advocacy organizations.
Construction & Demolition Subcommittee
The Construction & Demolition Subcommittee of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee serves as a forum for discussions on Construction and Demolition policy and program issues in Massachusetts and as a mechanism to keep stakeholders informed of new policy and program developments. The subcommittee is open to anyone who is interested in construction and demolition (C&D) materials management in Massachusetts.
Organics Subcommittee
The Organics Subcommittee of the MassDEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee serves as a forum for discussions on organics policy and program issues in Massachusetts and as a mechanism to keep stakeholders informed of new policy and program developments. The Subcommittee is open to anyone who is interested in organic materials management in Massachusetts.
Solid Waste Facility Issues Workgroup
A subgroup of the MassDEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee, this stakeholder group provides input to the agency on policy and program issues related to solid waste facility capacity, permitting, and operations.
Recycling Market Development Workgroup
This stakeholder advisory group contributes to the development of a MassDEP Recycling Market Development Action Plan. The agency seeks broad and diverse participation, welcoming the participation of anyone interested in recycling market development programs and policies.
Reduce & Reuse (R&R) Working Group
The R&R Working Group was established to assist in the development of a MassDEP Strategic Reduce and Reuse Action Plan as outlined in the 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan. The working group is open to anyone interested in providing input on source reduction, reuse, and repair strategy in Massachusetts, and keeping informed of new policy and program developments.
Water Resources Stakeholder & Advisory Committees
Laboratory Advisory Committee
The MassDEP Laboratory Advisory Committee was established in 1994 to advise the Division of Environmental Laboratory Sciences – Senator William X. Wall Experiment Station on environmental laboratory matters important to the Massachusetts-certified laboratory community, the MassDEP Laboratory Certification Program, Drinking Water Program, as well as other MassDEP programs. Participants have included several directors of certified commercial laboratories, certified municipal laboratories, public water systems, MWRA’s Central Laboratory, the Mass Department of Public Health, and US EPA New England Regional Laboratory, Quality Assurance Unit. The Committee meets quarterly.
Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage Advisory Group
The Wetlands and Waterways Program has convened an Advisory Group to assist in the development of regulations that will create performance standards for Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. The group’s focus on regulatory standards and regulatory language development drives its meeting schedule.
Safe Drinking Water Act Advisory Committee
The Safe Drinking Water Act Advisory Committee works with MassDEP to provide recommendations and general input on the agency’s administration of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The group is composed of interested Public Water Suppliers, consultants and representatives of water utility and operator trade associations. The Committee meets on an as-needed basis.
Safe Drinking Water Act Assessment Advisory Committee
The Safe Drinking Water Act Assessment Advisory Committee (also known as the “Section 70 Advisory Committee”) works with MassDEP to review and recommend annual assessment fees for drinking water, as authorized by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and provided under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 21A, s. 18A. The Committee generally meets quarterly to provide the input needed on the annual assessment rate and on the implementation of the assessment program.
Stormwater Management Updates Advisory Committee
MassDEP is convening a stormwater Advisory Committee (AC) in preparation for updating the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) stormwater regulations (310 CMR 10.05(6)). MassDEP is undertaking these updates as part of its mission to protect wetland and water resources of the Commonwealth.
Water Management Act Advisory Committee
The Water Resources Management Advisory Committee works with MassDEP to review Water Management Act legislation, regulations, and general permitting issues for water withdrawal permits. The Committee was established by M.G.L. c. 21G, section 3 and meets as needed to fulfill its statutory role.
Well Drillers Program Advisory Committee
This informal group advises MassDEP on issues relating to the drilling of wells and the regulation, training, and certification of well-drillers in Massachusetts. This group has also provided guidance input on program development and potential regulatory changes. It meets on an as needed basis.