Firearms Training Equipment for Unarmed Officers

Each training year, every sworn law enforcement officer (“officer”) in the Commonwealth who is certified by the Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (“POST”) must successfully complete the following training for each firearm their agency authorizes them to deploy.

Download the MPTC Firearms Requalification Training for Unarmed Departments Equipment List

The MPTC has Glock 19, gen. 5 firearms for use by any officer who does not have access to a firearm for training.

Requests for use of a Glock 19 must be made by the department at the time of enrollment to Annual Firearms Requalification for Unarmed Departments.

The MPTC does not provide ammunition. The department will be responsible for supplying the ammunition and other supplies for training.

Your department may hire a certified MPTC firearms instructor to complete the necessary training; however, hiring non-MPTC certified instructors to conduct firearms training for your department will not be accepted by the MPTC. 

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