The MPTC is responsible for the development and delivery of training standards of municipal, MBTA, environmental, UMass, campus police officers, and deputy sheriffs performing police duties and functions.
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Contact Us
(781) 963-0235
42 Thomas Patten Dr.
Randolph, MA 02368
Randolph, MA 02368
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Who we serve
The Municipal Police Training Committee contributes to the safety and security of the Commonwealth’s citizens by establishing training standards for and delivering training to more than 23,000 individuals who serve as police officers throughout the Commonwealth. The training ranges from basic training for new officers to mandatory and specialized professional development training for incumbent officers.
What would you like to do?
- Committee Meeting Minutes
- Request an MPTC Training Verification Letter
- Firearms Training Equipment for Unarmed Officers
- Employment Opportunities - Police Profession
- Exemptions granted by the MPTC Committee
- Harbormaster Training Council
- POST Commission
- Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit (SAECK) Tracking System