Attend public meetings
- Transit Authorities have public customer advisory meetings, as well as public hearings when changes are proposed
- Regional Planning Agencies and Metropolitan Planning Organizations host public meetings to review proposed regional transportation plans
- Your city or town may have a municipal transportation committee
- For example, Stoneham has the Stoneham Transportation Advocacy Committee
Join groups working on key issues
- Transportation advocacy groups bring riders together to advocate for service improvements:
- R-TAG advises the MBTA on transportation issues that affect people with disabilities and seniors
- T Riders’ Union (Boston and Chelsea)
- Bus Riders United (New Bedford)
- Transportation Justice for Franklin County
- Western Massachusetts Transportation Advocacy Network
- Contact or
- Worcester Transportation Advocacy Coalition
- Riders Action Council (Worcester area)
- Zero Fare WRTA (Worcester area)
- Livable Streets Alliance (Greater Boston area)
- Transit Matters (Greater Boston area)
- Regional Coordinating Councils work to improve transportation for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, low-income commuters, and others in regions around Massachusetts
- Transportation for Massachusetts is a statewide coalition of organizations
- Join or start a transportation working group in an organization you already belong to
- For example, the Stavros Center for Independent Living works on transportation access issues through its Disability Action Networks
Help others
- Help a friend or neighbor by driving them, escorting them to a medical appointment, or showing them how to ride the bus
- Volunteer as a driver or medical escort with your local senior center or other human service organization
Share your opinions
National resources
- Transit Planning for All - national initiative promoting the inclusion of older adults and people with disabilities in transportation planning and decision-making processes. They offer tools, case studies, and grant opportunities related to inclusive planning
- Lessons Learned in Inclusive Transit Planning - whitepaper published by Transit Planning 4 All
- Transportation Advocacy Mentoring Initiative - guidebook from an initiative where youth with disabilities from Michigan mentored youth with disabilities in Massachusetts on transportation advocacy
Contact for Get involved in transportation planning processes
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