• This page, Get involved in transportation planning processes, is   offered by
  • MassMobility

Get involved in transportation planning processes

You can get involved in shaping the future of transportation of your city, town, or region.

Table of Contents

Four panelists and one facilitator on a stage with a backdrop that says "Voices from Riders"

Riders of community transportation services shared their experiences at the 2017 Massachusetts Community Transportation Coordination Conference.

Attend public meetings

Join groups working on key issues

Help others

  • Help a friend or neighbor by driving them, escorting them to a medical appointment, or showing them how to ride the bus
  • Volunteer as a driver or medical escort with your local senior center or other human service organization

Share your opinions

  • Write letters to the editor in your local newspaper
  • Contact your local or state elected officials

National resources

Contact   for Get involved in transportation planning processes


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