We assist you through all phases of the OJT including:
• Bringing you applicants that have a wide variety of job skills and experience. Our qualified staff pre-interview applicants and thoroughly assess skill levels to carefully match applicants to your job requirements. You are not obligated to hire the candidate we refer to you.
• Assisting you in designing a training plan that meets your needs.
• Guiding you during the OJT process to ensure a successful outcome.
Steps to follow
- Contact a Career Center near you.
- Meet with a Career Center Representative at your place of business to learn more about on-the-job training (OJT) and to determine whether your company is eligible.
- Talk with your Career Center Representative about OJT opportunities at your company and the type of OJT Trainee candidates you seek. Your Career Center Representative will work with you to find pre-screened candidates that meet your qualifications.
- Hire the OJT Trainee according to your hiring process and your hiring needs. As your employee, you train them your way, on your equipment. Your Career Center Representative will assist you in designing a training plan to ensure successful on-the-job training.
- Submit payroll records and monthly evaluations to the Career Center to get reimbursed a percentage of the OJT Trainee's wages during the training. Your Career Center Representative will be there to assist you every step of the way.
- Provide permanent employment to the trainee after successful completion of on-the-job training.