In-Service Instructor Certification TY24

Instructor Certification and in-house departmental In-Service Training.

Table of Contents

TY 23-24 In-Service Train-the-Trainer Schedule

All train-the-trainer sessions are full-day classes with 8:30 am start times. Registration on ACADIS opens soon. Attending the train-the-trainer satisfies your in-service requirement for that course.

Class / Location Holyoke Lynnfield Plymouth Randolph Southbridge
Legal Update W 8/30 Th 7/20 Tu 8/8 W 8/23 Tu 8/15
Rules of the Road Tu 7/25 Th 8/17 M 7/17 Th 8/3 Tu 8/22
Reports & Testimony Tu 8/29 Tu 7/25 W 7/26 W 8/9 Tu 8/1

Officer Wellness Series:
You Are What You Do

Th 7/27 W 8/9 W 7/26 W 7/19 Th 8/10

Instructions for Departments providing In-Service In-House

Departments may conduct in-house in-service classes rather than utilizing the online modules.  However, all instructors who teach the MPTC in-service curriculum must attend an MPTC train-the-trainer class in the particular in-service topic area prior to teaching.  Attending a train-the trainer class will give the instructors access to the lesson plans, power points, and handouts on ACADIS. 

An instructor can access the training materials by signing into their ACADIS account.  Once they are signed in, they will click on HOME in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, toggle down to TRAINING and then locate the class they will be teaching.  The instructor will then see a yellow file folder that contains all their training materials that they can download onto a thumb drive. 

Departments looking for a list of qualified instructors can contact MPTC's Curriculum & Instruction Specialist Steve Cromack @

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