Labor Market Information for Jobseekers

Find data, visuals, and additional resources for those seeking employment or career changes.

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Table of Contents

Massachusetts Job Posting Interactive Data Visual

The below interactive data visualization provides a snapshot of current job demand in Massachusetts based on online job posting data. It includes insights into active job postings by industry, company, occupation, skills, education, experience, qualifications, and salary data. View other data visuals here

Labor Market Information for Beginners / "LMI 101"

Overview promotional graphic for LMI 101

“Labor Market Information 101” is a resource designed to help our stakeholders better understand and access labor market information (LMI) materials from the Massachusetts Department of Economic Research (DER). It covers these topics and more:

  • What DER is and who its stakeholders are
  • What LMI is, why it is important, and how it can be used
  • Key LMI definitions, concepts, and framework, including North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Occupational Codes (SOC)
  • An overview of the main types of data found on the DER website including units/source, available geography, links to download data, and more   
  • An appendix including common acronyms and links to additional resources  

Click here to visit the LMI 101 page. 

Finding Cities and Towns in an Area 

Map of Massachusetts divided into cities and towns

Labor Market Information is sorted by geographical area, and different data collection programs group cities and towns in different ways. Two common examples of city/town groupings include New England City and Town Area (NECTA) and Workforce Development Area (WDA). Identifying the area you want to research is a great first step. 

Click here to view the cities and towns included in each WDA, NECTA, and/or county.

Identifying an Occupation

Labor Market Information data is frequently sorted by occupation/job title. Each occupation is assigned a Standard Occupational Code (SOC). Identifying your occupation and SOC code can help you find information most relevant to you.

Click here to search for and/or browse occupation titles, descriptions and SOC codes.

Job Projections

Image of person viewing computer screen and printed reports

Data-driven projections about future labor demand can help inform career choices made today. 

Industry Projection Data

Industry projections relate to industry categories that may include a variety of occupations. You can sort these data sets by area, industry, and sub-industry.

Short Term Industry Projections

Long Term Industry Projections 

Occupational Projection Data

Occupational projections are sorted by industry. You can sort these data sets by area, number of listings, growth, and required education / training. 

Short Term Occupational Projections

Long Term Occupational Projections

Click here for a complete list of available data sets.

Employment and Wage Data

Employment and Wage (ES-202) Data : Find employment numbers and wage data for employers in Massachusetts. Sort by area, industry, time period, and ownership type (privately owned vs. government owned). 

Click here for a complete list of available data sets.

Information on Massachusetts Employers

Image of new hire shaking hands with employers at interview

Find Employers by City and Industry: Search by area and industry. Industries are labeled by name and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code.

Find Largest Employers by Area: Search by area to locate the largest employers in Massachusetts. 

Additional Resources

The MassHire Career Centers provide a variety of services. 

MassHire Career Centers : The MassHire Department of Career Services provides jobseekers with a variety of job assistance services, including working with experienced career counselors, attending workshops and short-term training, accessing up-to-date local, statewide, and national job listings, developing resumes, writing cover letters, and more.

MassHire JobQuest : Find jobs, locate training, explore workshops, and more.

Mass Career Information System (MassCIS) : MassHire's career planning tool.

O*Net OnLine : A national database containing information on occupations, including occupational characteristics and necessary skills and knowledge.

My Next Move : An interactive tool to learn more about different career paths.

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