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Learn about Electronic Visit Verification

Learn about federal requirements for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) and MassHealth’s EVV system.

Table of Contents

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is software that electronically verifies whether personal care providers and home health providers have delivered or rendered services as billed. EVV is a federal requirement for Medicaid-funded in-home personal care and home health services in all 50 states.

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) administers the Massachusetts Medicaid program, MassHealth, and oversees the use of EVV in programs that provide certain home-and community-based services.

In Massachusetts, EVV affects programs within the following:

  • MassHealth
  • Executive Office of Aging & Independence

EVV will promote quality outcomes for members by

  • making sure services are delivered appropriately;
  • reducing the need for paper timesheets; and
  • decreasing billing errors and unauthorized spending.
View the full list of services that require EVV, by service code, on this table. PDF | Word

Introducing Sandata Technologies

Sandata Technologies has been chosen as the state’s EVV vendor for agency-based services as well as the EVV data aggregator (the database that holds EVV information). Sandata has worked on EVV projects in more than 20 states.

As of September 30, 2024, MassHealth has launched the agency-based EVV system.

Last updated: September 27, 2024

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