Lynn Fells Parkway at Melrose Street Intersection Improvements

A project to improve safety and accessibility for all users

Project Overview

The goals of the Lynn Fells Parkway at Melrose Street Intersection project are to improve safety and accessibility for all users along the intersection by creating signalized intersections, lower the speed of vehicles traveling through curb extensions, and create a better balance among the various user demands placed on the intersection.

Project Update

October 2024 Update: Construction contract awarded, procurement of materials, coordination, and construction logistics to begin.  

May 2024 Update: DCR has completed engineering design plans, anticipates going to bid in early July, and, by this summer, awarding a construction contract.

In October 2023 DCR performed soil borings around the intersection to determine the type of soil present.  This is an important part of the design process because the poles that will support the new traffic signals are very heavy and their foundations must be carefully engineered to properly support them.  

Project Background and Development

DCR has an active contract with an engineering consultant, the team of Nitsch Engineering, to take the Lynn Fells Parkway at Melrose Street Intersection to full design, resulting in a set of construction plans we can send out to bid and build the project.

To date, DCR with Nitsch Engineering has developed a 25% Design Alternative, which is the product of a lengthy and deep open process with the community.  At our public meetings, attendees had opportunities to ask questions and offer comments. We also accepted comments by e-mail and web form after our meetings. The current design has support from the City of Melrose and public comments submitted during the public process.

design alternative

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Contact   for Lynn Fells Parkway at Melrose Street Intersection Improvements

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