Mass. General Laws c.40R § 12

Administration, review, and reporting

This is an unofficial version of a Massachusetts General Law.

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Section 12

The department shall be responsible for the administration, review, and reporting on the smart growth zoning district program as provided in this chapter. The department shall undertake or cause to be undertaken an annual review and the preparation of a report on the programs set forth in this chapter and may require data to be provided by cities and towns with smart growth zoning districts. The report shall be prepared on the basis of such data and shall be made available to the general public and submitted to the general court annually, not later than November 15 of each year, and shall cover the status of the program through the end of the prior fiscal year. The report shall identify and describe the status of cities and towns that are actively seeking letters of eligibility. It shall identify approved smart growth zoning districts and the amounts and anticipated timing of one-time density bonus payments during the prior and current fiscal year. It shall summarize the amount of land areas zoned for particular types of projects in both proposed and approved districts, the number of projects being reviewed by cities and towns under section 11, including the number and type of proposed residential units, the number of building permits issued, the number of completed housing units and their type, and it shall set out the one-time density bonus payments made to each city or town. For the then current and the immediately succeeding fiscal years it shall make estimates for the: (i) number and size of proposed new districts; (ii) potential number of residential units to be allowed in new districts; and (iii) anticipated construction activity.

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Last updated: November 10, 2022

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