Nothing compares to breast milk - it’s the best gift you can give your baby. Breastfeeding fights disease, obesity, and common illnesses and helps babies’ brains develop.
Breastfeeding is best for mom too. She loses pregnancy weight faster and lowers her risks for cancer. Best of all, she’s giving baby something that no one else can and forming a unique mother-child bond. It’s recommended to give only breast milk for the first six months of your infant’s life. The longer you breastfeed, the more benefits mother and baby enjoy.
Nursing also saves money – it’s free and does not require any special equipment. Health care costs may also be lower since breastfed babies generally require fewer medications and visits to the doctor.
Breastfeeding might be challenging in the beginning, but the benefits last a lifetime!
Breastfeeding takes time to learn, but with every feeding it gets easier. Learn as much as you can about breastfeeding during pregnancy for a better idea of what to expect. When the time comes, call on other mothers you know and trust or a WIC Peer Counselor for support.
Before you reach for the formula, you can also search zipmilk for Lactation Consultants, La Leche League meetings, WIC offices, and other breastfeeding support groups. Avoid free gifts from formula companies that may tempt you during tough moments. Find resources from the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Initiative.
For more questions, check out the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition.