Massachusetts Statutes and Legislative Materials
Acts and Resolves
Also known as the session laws, this publication includes enacted legislation during a particular year, arranged in chronological order.
- State Library print holdings: 1692 to date
- Available online in the State Library's digital repository: 1692 to date
General Laws of Massachusetts
Those session laws that are considered permanent in nature and applicable throughout the Commonwealth are arranged by topic into a codified version of the law. The official edition has been published by the Commonwealth every two years since 1984. This official edition of the codified laws of Massachusetts is based upon the 1932 Tercentenary Edition of the General Laws and is not annotated with references to secondary sources and court decisions.
To consult annotated editions of these laws see either Massachusetts General Laws Annotated [published by Thomson Reuters] or Annotated Laws of Massachusetts [published by LexisNexis]
An unofficial version of the code is available on the General Court's website
Older compilations of General Laws from 1932 and earlier are available in the State Library's digital repository
Massachusetts House and Senate Journals
Official account of the daily sessions of the Massachusetts General Court.
State Library print holdings:
- Massachusetts House Journals: 1715 to date
- Massachusetts Senate Journals: 1780 to date [early years are in Manuscript format]
Published journals are digitized and are available in the State Library's digital repository:
- Massachusetts House Journals: 1854 to present
- Massachusetts Senate Journals: 1868 to present
Uncorrected proofs of journals are available at the General Court's website:
- Massachusetts House Journals: 2001 to present
- Massachusetts Senate Journals: 1998 to present
Massachusetts Legislative Documents
Bound volumes of filed Massachusetts House and Senate bills.
Legislative Documents are digitized and are available in the State Library's digital repository.
- State Library print holdings: 1780 to date
- Available online on the Massachusetts General Court's website: 2009 to date
Additional Resources
- Video Tutorial: What's the difference between Bills, Acts, the MGL, and the CMR?
- Video Tutorial: Legislative Research: Using the House and Senate Journals
- Guide to Compiling a Massachusetts Legislative History
- Researching the History of Amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution
- Video Resources to Assist with Massachusetts State Government and Legislative Research
- Blog post: The Officialness Problem of Online Legal and Legislative Documents in Massachusetts
Open PDF file, 149.44 KB, Massachusetts Legislative Glossary (PDF 149.44 KB)
Massachusetts Administrative Law
Code of Massachusetts Regulations
The CMR contains a complete set of regulations promulgated by state agencies.
Available online on the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries website
Massachusetts Register
The CMR is updated by the biweekly Massachusetts Register published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth with new and amended regulations; notices of hearings and comment periods related to prospective or draft regulations; and a cumulative index of regulatory changes for the current year. The register also publishes notices of public interest, as well as opinions of the Attorney General and Executive Orders.
- State Library print holdings: 1976 to date
- Available online in the State Library's digital repository: 1976 to date
Executive Orders
Rules or orders issued by the governor that have the status of a law. (See: A short history of Executive Orders)
- State Library print holdings: 1941 (no. 1) to 1997 (no. 401)
- Available online in the State Library's digital repository or on the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries website
Administrative Agency Opinions
Certain executive branch agencies are granted quasi-judicial authority and may hear cases and issue rulings.
Many agency opinions are available online at the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries website
Additional Resources
Massachusetts Case Law
Massachusetts Reports
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decisions.
- State Library print holdings: 1804 to date
- Available online: 1804 to date
Massachusetts Appeals Court Reports
Massachusetts Appeals Court decisions
- State Library print holdings: 1972 to date
- Available online: 1972 to date
Massachusetts Appellate Division Reports
Decisions from the Massachusetts District Court Appellate Divisions and the Boston Municipal Court.
- State Library print holdings: 1936 to date
- Available online: 2006-2007, 2009 to date
Massachusetts Law Reporter
Decisions from the Massachusetts Superior Courts.
- State Library print holdings: September 1993 to Jan. 2020
Massachusetts City and Town Ordinances and Bylaws
A collection of Massachusetts city and town ordinances or bylaws is available online on the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries website
Contact for Massachusetts Law Resources in the State Library
Open M-F 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Open M-W 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Closed Th-F *Advance appointments highly recommended