MassGIS Data: Coastal Barrier Resource Units

April 1997

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated coastal barrier resource units data layer was compiled by the Resource Mapping Project staff at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst for the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program.

Table of Contents


(ESRI Shapefiles with ArcGIS .lyr)


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated coastal barrier resource units data layer was compiled by the Resource Mapping Project staff at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst for the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program. The designations show barrier beaches and the associated aquatic habitat. Two layers store the data: CBRS_ARC and CBRS_POLY.


Interpreted 1:25,000 paper USGS Topographic Maps from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

A polygon coverage was built by digitizing interpreted feature boundaries not including the shoreline. The shoreline used in this coverage is from the MassGIS 1:25,000 source. The automation of this data was conducted in May 1993. Minor changes to the delineations have recently been made and published in the Federal Register. Updated delineations will be available when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides revised documents.


The arc layer contains the following items:

Item NameWidthTypeDescription
BOUNDARY4BNumeric code matching feature type
FEATURE16CIdentifies inland, shoreline or marine boundary

The polygon layer contains the following items:

Item NameWidthTypeDescription
POLYID4B1 = Land
2 = Water
3 = Non-MA Land
11 to 96 = Numeric code to identify unique features.
<11 to 96>999 = Aquatic component to designation.
CBRSNAME8CUSFWS alpha-numeric code for each unit or a "Marine" label for marine components.


MCZM maintains the data.

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