MassGIS Data Layers

Each digital dataset name below links to a complete data layer description. On each page you will find metadata and links to free data downloads.

The date below the data layer name on each page represents the month and year of the most recent update. For more details, especially at the feature level, see the contact information in the Maintenance section of each page.

Learn more for attribution, citation language and spatial reference information.

>> Request to download statewide vector dataset
(Shapefiles or File Geodatabase; includes MassGIS Dataviewer Toolbar files. Does not include Parcels, Address Points, 2016 Landuse/Landcover or 5K and one-foot Contours)

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>> Contact Us to receive Data Update notices via email, or to let us know about an error or submit questions on MassGIS data. Also follow us on Threads or follow us on X (Twitter).

Table of Contents

Census/Demographic Data

Blocks, Block Groups, Tracts and their associated tables, and TIGER Roads for all years.
For 2000 and 2010, additional derived datasets include:
- Hydrography
- Municipal Boundaries

Coastal and Marine Features


Cultural Resources

Environmental Monitoring

Image Data



Physical Resources

Political/Administrative Boundaries

Regulated Areas


Contact   for MassGIS Data Layers

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